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Three idols, to different levels undressed, were laying in an oversized hotel bed, feeling sweaty and hot, yet cuddling each other as they couldn't get enough of the intimate closeness they suddenly shared.

Three idols were trying to wrap their minds around what just happened, or maybe better not because - the consequences. Ew.

'How drunk are we?' Minho broke the silence.

'Not at all' Hyunjin said.

'Well, maybe not drunk enough to blame this on the alcohol.' Jisung added.


'Do you guys regret anything?' Hyunjin asked after a moment.


'Not at all'


They looked at each other. Messy hair, swollen lips, flushed cheeks.



'I kinda want to kiss you guys again' Minho dared to throw in the room.

'Oh for fuck's sake, thank you for saying that!' Jisung practically screamed.

Both Hyunjin and Minho had to laugh. Then they kissed each other. Then they kissed Jisung. Then Minho worked himself up to be the one hovering above them.

Such a pretty sight, both of them laying under him.

He started to kiss them, thrilled by the power of being able to press them deeper in the pillows and being the one to make them moan. He was surprised by how much he enjoyed leading them.

'Now, you two kiss' he ordered and they were eager to oblige. Minho felt addicted to this view, to them, to the feelings bubbling in his chest.

He had a spontaneous idea and flipped them around, so he lay spooning Jisung and Hyunjin facing them both.

'How about we free our quokka from these shorts now?' he asked smugly.
'Are you fine with this?' Hyunjin reinsured with said quokka while slowly sliding his hands down to the other's waistband.

'Yeah, yeah, carry on' Jisung said in his best English.

'Fuck, you're so British...' Hyunjin murmured while busying himself with the shorts.
'Why am I turned on by this?' Minho wondered out loud.
'I have no idea, but I feel you...'

'Guys, British is just hot, that's a fact' Jisung said rather proudly.

'Ah is that why you maintain the British accent that no one understands where you got it from?' Minho teased him.

'Well, that...' his answer was drowned out by a melodic moan escaping from his lips - reasoned in Hyunjin starting to message his thighs.

Minho chuckled in his ear and started to ghost his lips over the younger's neck. Simultaneously Hyunjin kissed Jisung, using both tongue and teeth, making him gasp.

Afterwards, Hyunjin leaned over and grabbed Minho's face, smashing their mouths together. They pulled closer, sandwiching Jisung between them.
Minho loved the taste of their kisses, the mixture of both their scents and individual flavours.

Hyunjin moved on, tracing Jisung's collarbones with his lips, carefully biting down here and there to coax soft moans out of the younger.

Minho used the time to let his one hand wander downwards, grabbing the other's butt testing. Satisfied, he felt a shiver running through Jisung's body at the touch. He gained more confidence from this and edged even closer, whilst pressing his hips slowly against Jisung.

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