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'I don't think I can stomach another round of these', Jisung said.

They were all three sitting crosslegged on Hyunjin's hotel bed, the bottle of lemon liquor (halfway empty already) was in their middle. Minho was about to pour another round when Jisung stopped him. But that was probably for the best, anyways. Not that they were actually drunk, maybe just a bit more loose than normal. They shouldn't risk a hangover though.

Hyunjin, still in his bathrobe looking beautiful as ever, nodded and cleared away the empty glasses and the bottle by putting them on this nightstand. Meanwhile he said: 'Good. There's something I wanted to try out with you guys anyways.'

'Uhh..!' Jisung made an excited face. 'What is it?' That was when Hyunjin turned to him, grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him.

Jisung's eyes wided surprised yet he didn't pull away.

Minho practically gaped at what was happening in front of him. With Hyunjin leaning towards Jisung he got a weird bubbly feeling in his chest and stomach. It only intensified as he now watched Hyunjin actually kiss Jisung and the latter giving in and kissing back after a few seconds.

The feeling wasn't jealousy. That much was sure. Minho wouldn't even know of which one of the two he was supposed to be jealous. Of Jisung for getting to kiss the most ethereal boy in the world or of Hyunjin for getting to kiss his crush (and thus most amazing boy in the world).

It was actually just pretty hot to watch them.

Right as Minho realized this, Hyunjin broke the kiss. It didn't actually last as long as everyone felt it did.

Before anyone could say a word about what just happened, Hyunjin leaned in the other direction and pressed his lips against Minho's, too.

The older felt frozen for a moment, trying to understand the situation and/or his feelings. Though, all he managed to think was Fuck, his lips are so soft.

As Hyunjin then hesitantly sucked on Minho's bottom lip, he finally remembered how to move. Encouraged from Jisung kissing back earlier, too, he slightly opened his mouth and simultaneously buried his hand in Hyunjin's long gorgeous hair.

He could feel the other one smiling into their kiss, probably happy about Minho joining in. The kiss tasted like a mix of lemon and vanilla.

Just as Minho wanted to slip in some tongue aswell, Hyunjin withdrew from their kiss. He looked even more breathtaking than before, with lightly flushed cheeks and red lips. (And he was still wearing that damned bathrobe of course).

Minho looked over at Jisung who appeared a bit confused, but also kinda excited and at least a bit turned on.

However, he couldn't decipher his own feelings. He felt just giddy and full of adrenaline.. and also a bit buzzed from their drinks earlier.

A weird silence envolved between the three idols, just disrupted by their fastened breathing.

The room's tension was thick enough to be cut with knives.

The three just stared at each other. Suddenly Jisung moved. He leaned over to Hyunjin and kissed him again, this time deeper. Minho felt butterflies everywhere by just watching them.

Hyunjin extended his hand and grabbed Minho's neck to pull him closer - without breaking his kiss with Jisung. As soon as Minho was close enough, Hyunjin pulled back and faced him.

Minho could shortly see the smile on Hyunjin's lips, before the blonde boy pressed them against Minho's.

This time, the kiss was way hungrier, and Minho didn't hesitate to use his tongue, too. Hyunjin was also quick to return the favour. There was a new taste besides the vanilla and lemon - Minho quickly wondered if that was Jisung's taste from the sloppy kiss Hyunjin shared with him seconds ago.

He was just contemplating wether he should try to bite the other one's bottom lip as he felt a warm breath against his neck all of a sudden.

Minho realized that this must be Jisung and blindly felt for him with his left hand (the one that wasn't tangled up in Hyunjin's hair). As he found the younger's head right next to him, he moved his hand to his neck and gently pulled him closer.

Jisung answered almost instantly by beginning to kiss Minho's neck. The unexpected action send shivers down the older's spine.

Minho started to move his hand from Hyunjin's hair down to his bare shoulders, and then carefully rested it on the other's collarbone. He was immediately awarded with Hyunjin hungrily tugging at his bottom lip and scooting even closer.

Due to that he must have tightened his grip on Jisung's neck. The younger boy had meanwhile plastered Minho's neck with kisses (each one getting longer than the one before) and was now back at his ear, his hot breath giving Minho goosebumps.

Suddenly Minho felt Jisung's lips at his earlobe, tugging it. After maybe two seconds of this, though, the younger bit down on it - carefully, yes, but still enough to make Minho gasp in Hyunjin's kiss.

The sound of it seemed like a breaking point for them. They were sitting close to each other - partly onto each other already - yet now that suddenly wasn't enough anymore.

Hyunjin gently pushed them backwards, Jisung and Minho coming to lie on their backs, Hyunjin sprawled over them.

They were quick to start kissing again, now in the new position feeling all of their bodies against each other.

There was so much happening at once that Minho quickly lost track of things, who kissed who and which hand belonged to whom. Yet he was swallowed by the realization of how good everything felt.

The sensations of every single touch made him slowly lose his mind - astray amongst the heavy scent of vanilla shampoo and the taste of lemon liquor on his tongue.


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