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DEEP IN THE HALLS of the Royal Palace of Aldera, there existed a room simply known as the inside-outside room. It had been first dubbed this by a young princess who loved the idea of an indoor garden very much but had no word for it. Her brother had been the one to give her the idea of an inside out room, and that was what it was affectionately known as by the members of the Royal Family.

At least until they learned the proper term for it.

That same princess was there this very moment, clasping her hands behind her back as she stared out at the pale skies hanging over Alderaan, the barest hint of lavender and dusty pink disappearing on the horizon as the sun moved further up in the sky. The transparisteel windows and doors the only barrier between her and the gardens she'd come to spend most of her time in.

Bryn Organa had been summoned by the Queen of Alderaan, a role that would have been hers once upon a time, even though she much preferred to be working behind the scenes to help her planet.

Her brother was the one more comfortable in the spotlight, which was why he would make the perfect Prince Consort when this was all over. Bryn was happy to play the role of a courtly Princess with no responsibility except to oversee the development of the shipyards.

To her mother, she was bringing shame upon the family name, but to Bryn it was the happiest place in the world. She could get her hands dirty without fear of a scolding, and the best part was seeing the progress made with the kyber crystals they were receiving from a trade deal with Dantooine.

Her brother's idea, truly. He noticed how restless she was getting after the ascendancy had been solved and sent her to Dantooine to barter a deal with the Jedi Temple there to gain access to kyber crystal in exchange for bringing their issues to attention in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. And some extra funding didn't hurt in the long run.

The Dantooine temple didn't have nearly as many crystals as they'd hoped, but it had helped improve the engines of their cruisers and transports and the other metals they'd mined provided a better shell for their fighters. Not that they'd ever have to use them.

It hadn't been the best deal they'd made, but it'd given them significantly more resources than the Jedi Temple on Coruscant had given them.

Bryn's gaze wandered the high ceilings and gorgeous skylight of the inside-out room, a name she and Bail had come up with when they were barely ten and their father was still alive.

Breha had been gracious enough to allow the former Royal family to still take up residence in the Palace–which was to be expected considering they would be joining their families together officially through matrimony in a month–and so the layout of the rooms and hidden places was still ingrained in Bryn's memory.

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