Chapter 1

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I tug my jean jacket up, it was a few sizes too big, I flip up the collar and swing my backpack over my shoulder and check my (stolen) watch.

I am late for my bus!!

I think as I start to run through the halls of my high school. I blast through the front doors to the outside.

Dang it! It left me!!

I mentally curse myself for missing my bus. I guess I won't be going to my therapist. So I walked down the road, kicking a rock along with me.

I'll just head home to Buck's place.

I heard a car honk behind me and move to the other side of the road. Then as the car passes I move back into the middle. After a while I heard another honk but this was different. I turn to reveal a Mustang in my face.


I jumped out of the way just in time.

"Move greaser!" The driver yells at me. It looked like he was gonna stop beside me but I stuck my hand in my pocket. I pretended to grab a switch, the Soc quickly drove off. And I smirked.

I look up to see another car speeding toward me. They stop centimeters from me. It was an old car and it was kinda trashed. Out of instinct, I slam my hands down on the hood, my rings on my hands scratching the paint a little. I had 11 rings. 5 on my right hand and 6 on my left.

"Hey! I'm walkin' here!!" My New York accent in full force towards the driver. He looked me straight in the eyes. Those eyes, daring, cold, dangerous, and reckless. I stared him down, I moved out of the way and he sped off. I flipped him off out of anger. I kept walking until I came to a lot, just a few blocks away from Buck's. I saw someone sitting in old car seats by an unlit fire. He was sleeping but the smoke was building up. He had a jean jacket on and jet black hair. If he didn't put that fire out the Socs might find him. I kicked his leg to wake him. He jumped and looked up at me. His dark eyes met my y/e/c ones.

"Hey! Stray! Put that fire out, the Socs are around," I demanded. He scrambled to put on the fire. But, when he looked back up to me I was already gone and down the street. I didn't need to be making friends with strays. Not that I'm a big baddie but I didn't know this town, so I needed to keep my guard up. I walk up to Buck's door. And, of course, I heard music coming from inside. He is having, yet another, party. I open the door and begin to walk to my room when I'm stopped by someone.

"Hey, doll, aren't ya little young to be in here?" He asked. I turned around and saw some greaser with a Mickey Mouse shirt and a beer in his hand. He had his other hand on my arm.

"Aren't you a little old to be touching me." I smirked and he quickly dropped my arm. As I turned I saw he had two switchblades in his pocket. They were good ones too, real fancy like. I started to walk up the stairs and yelled down to him over the music, "Nice switchblades." Then I turned the corner and went down the hall. My room in Buck's wasn't an actual room. All the real rooms were taken by random people. So, I got to stay in the closet. It wasn't that small but not at all room sized. It was cold. I opened the door and dust flew out into my face. I coughed and stepped in. The only light was a bulb that hung from the ceiling. I set my bag down and sat on the cot I had on the floor. I took a small pillow from another room without Buck knowing. I slid off my sneakers that had holes in the toes and began my homework. 

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