Chapter 8

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We got to our stop and woke up Ponyboy before leaping off the train. I stood up and cracked my knuckles, I helped Pony and Johnny up from the grass and we began walking. Johnny told me we were looking for an old church at Jay mountain. The only problem is that we didn't know where that mountain was. So when the sun made its way up the sky we decided to ask someone for directions. We walked up to a farmer.

"Can you tell us where Jay mountain is?" Pony asked. The farmer looked at us.

"Why?" He asked.


"Because we are playing army and our base is there," I blurted out. The farmer smiled and showed the gap in his teeth.

"You kids are interesting, it's just up there," He pointed just up ahead. We thanked him and ran forward. We finally got to the church and the sun sank into the ground. We all walked in and collapsed down. We all fell asleep quickly.

I woke up cold. I looked around but I didn't see Johnny or Pony. I looked to the floor and saw 'Went to store' written in dust.

"Hey, your awake!" I hear Pony say from beside me. I stood and smiled. As I stood, a jacket fell off me. I picked it up and shot Pony a confused look.

"Johnny put it over you, you seemed cold," He smiled. I blushed a bit and slipped it on. I had sadly left my jacket back at Buck's. Pony and I sat out on the porch and we watched the cars roll by and the people stroll along. Suddenly, we heard a whistle. Pony and I hid in the church. We heard it again.

"It's Johnnycakes!" Pony exclaimed and ran out the church. I went to follow him but he tripped over his feet and I tripped over him. We fell into the grass, me half on top of him. We both look up to see Johnny looking back at us like we are insane. Pony and I put our chins on top of our fists and smiled.

"Boy, you get more and more like Two-bit everyday," He cracks a smirk. I get up and help up Ponyboy.

"Which one is Two-bit again?" I ask as Johnny walks into the church and we chase after him.

"He is the one you nicked the switch off of," Johnny explains. I nod. He starts taking stuff out and speaking. He had taken my bag and used it to carry the stuff he bought.

"Balone, bread, Gone With The Wind, matches, and bleach," Johnny said. I studied the book he bought.

"Bleach!?" Pony yelled.

"Pony, we need to cut our hair, our faces will be in the paper!" Johnny told him.

"But, it's my hair!" Pony whined.

"It will grow back," I agreed with Johnny. Ponyboy sighed.

While Johnny was cutting Ponyboy's hair with his switch, I was cutting mine with my switch. I was using a mirror for it too. I didn't want to have short hair but I also didn't want to be taken to jail for murder. So, I cut off one side of my hair and let the other side flow over my face. I saw my y/h/c hair looked pretty good, to be honest. Pony stepped outside to dry his bleached hair. I looked over to Johnny.

"Do you need some help?" I asked and he blushed a bit but nodded. I stood and walked over to him, he sat down and I began to cut his hair. I cut his bangs, which was a shame, I loved those bangs. I cut off some of the back and some off the sides.

"There ya go," I said. He stood up and walked over to the mirror. 

"Not bad," He smirked, as did I. "Hey, I uh," Johnny stood and walked over to me, "I um bought this f-for you, just in case you w-wanted to uh," Johnny pulled out a can of hair dye. He gave it to me and I looked at the color.

Dark purple.

I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks," I whispered in his ear. He hugged back.

"Your welcome,"

Johnny and I sat on the step of the church letting my hair dry.

"W-were you and t-together?" Johnny stuttered. I looked at him surprised.

"Ha! Nah," I said.

"But what 'bout the shirt and Sodapop told us that you both had 'quite the night'." He used air quotes.

"Well, the shirt is because he left it at Buck's place after we got drunk, he walked out with no shirt that night and I forgot to tell him," I laughed, "And, yeahhhh, we may have gotten a bit too drunk and partied a bit too hard and maybe we had some fun, but it was NEVER something that led to anything like a relationship. We are just real good friends," I explained.

"S-some f-fun?" Johnny gulped.

"Ah shoot, Johnny, nothin' like that. Just a few hickeys," I put my hands up in defense. Johnny smiled. "Why you smilin' ?" I asked.

"No reason," He said and looked away. I could see a bit of blush on his cheeks and I moved to sit closer. We then stood to meet Pony by the sun set.

"Nature's first green is gold," Pony started. I knew this. It was a poem written by Robert Frost.

"Her hardest hue to hold," I said, Pony looked at me, shocked.

"The early leaf's a flower," He continued.

"But only so an hour,"

"Then, leaf subsides to leaf,"

"So eden sank to grief,"

"So dawn goes down to day,"

"Nothing gold can stay," I finished. Pony smiled at me. 

"What does that mean?" Johnny asked us.

"It was written by Robert Frost," Pony said.

"I think it represents the fact that nothing is permanent," I explained. After the sunset we went back to the Church and layed down. I had given Johnny his jacket back. Ponyboy read to us. And we all fell asleep. 

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