Chapter 11

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He rubs his eyes and yawns.

"Y/n! Your awake!" He exclaimed and rushed over to hug me. I hugged back.

"Johnnycakes gave himself a panic attack when you were in that church," Dallas laughed.

"Hah, if you didn't push me out I don't know what would've happened," Johnny chuckled.

"I figured I had nothing to really lose," I muttered. Then, Two-bit and Soda came in. I left with Johnny. We walked down the hallway.

"Do you really think that?" Johnny asked.

"Hm?" I hummed. He stopped and turned to me.

"Do you really think you have nothing to lose?" His eyes held a hurt emotion.

"I-I mean, I'm wanted murder, ya know..." I trailed off. He slumped his shoulders.

"But, what 'bout Curly and Pony and... me?" He had tears in his eyes.

"Johnny-" I was cut off.

"I have something to lose... you!" He shouted. He went to speak again but choked on a sob. I put my hand on his cheek. He looked up to me. I leaned in and gave him a small peck on the lips. I felt him smile into the kiss. I went to pull away but he put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me back. I could taste something like a campfire on his lips. We broke the kiss for air. We heard a whistle. Johnny and I looked over and saw everyone standing there. Soda, Ponyboy, Two-bit, and Dallas's door were open so he could see us too. I laughed.

Oh jeez

I left the hospital. Dallas still had to stay because of his burns. Two-bit gave me a ride home, Johnny and Pony rode with Soda.

"So, where should I drop ya off?" He broke the almost awkward silence.

"Uh, just at Buck's place," I shrugged.

"Ya know, I still can't figure out how you stole my switch," He laughed.

"I just distracted ya," I explained.

"Distracted me?" He questions. I cock my eyebrow up and smirk.

"Yeah, distracted ya," I confirmed. He dropped me off at Buck's front door. He helped me up the steps and handed me my crutches.

Doctor said only one more day of this.

I opened the door after thanking Two-bit and stepped inside. The music was blasting, as always. I saw people everywhere partying and dancing and...well... doing stuff. I went to go up the stairs when someone came crashing down to land at my feet.

"Hey, Buck," I smirked. Buck looked up at me and smiled.

"Little Hood! Y/N! Your back!!" He jumped up and gave me the biggest bear hug ever. He helped me to my room and said,

"Your in the paper, check it out," He handed me the newspaper, but before he left he turned to me and said, "Love the hair, you should keep it like that!" And with that he left to go back to the rager going on down stairs. I closed the door to my room and sat on my bed. I looked down at the paper in my hands.

"Juvenile delinquents turn Heroes!" I say out loud to no one. I read more, "Four teens rescue young children from an inferno, leaving two hospitalized and two with scars that they'll never forget." I chuckled.

Statement from a teacher at the scene; "I was horrified, I thought that the kids would die! We had no way to get in, but these heroic teens came pulling up and got the kids out safely. I couldn't be more thankful. They are really heros! Thank you."

These teens sacrificed almost everything for kids they didn't even know. We are under suspicion that one of these teens, Y/n, is a suspect for murder and her two companions, Johnathan Cade, and Ponyboy Curtis are suspected of association. However, we are unable to connect the fourth teen, Dallas Winston, to this particular case.

-Written by the Daily Paper

My smile dropped when I realized that reporters are going to be looking for me, Johnny, Pony, and Dallas. I decided to screw the doctor and take my cast off right now. I took out Two-bit's switch. I swiped it from him when he was helping me up those stairs.

Ah, he is gonna be so pissed. 

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