Chapter 12

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I took off my cast and stood up. I grabbed one crutch and headed down stairs. I left Buck's place and went to the lot, the same lot where I first found Johnny. I hoped Johnny was there. Which he was. He was sitting and smoking a cancer stick. I walked up to him and he smiled.

"Thought you'd be here," I sigh as I sit down. I took out the paper I had and tossed it to him. He read it and laughed.

"Well, at least they focused more on us being 'heros',"

"Haha, yeah," I laughed.

"Hey, you wanna head to Pony's? You could meet the gang!" Johnny asked. I nodded. We headed down the street. I could see people looking at us, whispering and pointing. We stepped up the stairs and Johnny walked in. I hesitated but Johnny grabbed my hand and smiled. He pulled me in and I was faced with 5 boys. I knew Pony, Two-bit, and Soda. Two new boys walked up to me.

"Why, hello there, darlin'," A boy with a bird tattoo on his arm and chocolate cake in his hand greeted me.

"Why, hello," I responded, playfully. The boy smirked and reached out his hand. Soda came and stole the cake out of his hand. He glared at Soda before turning back to me.

"I'm Steve Randle," He said. I took his hand.

"I'm-" Before I could tell him my name he pulled me closer to him. Johnny's hand was ripped from mine. Steve spun me around and put one hand on my waist and one on my back. "-Y/n," I finished my sentence.

"Hm, cute," Steve muttered, he tried to lean in, but I kneed him. Not exactly in 'the spot' but right next to it. The weak spot of the inner thigh. Steve grunted and doubled over. He let go of me and placed his hands 'down there'.

"Yup, you picked a good one, Johnnycakes," Steve groaned. I chuckled and walked back over to Johnny, who was laughing. I grabbed Johnny's hand again and gave him a smile.

"Hi, I'm Darry, Older brother to Pony and Soda,'' the tall boy with icy eyes says. He holds out his hand. I take it hesitantly. "Don't worry, I'm much more mature," He laughed. I cracked a smile and shook his hand. I look around and see everyone is smiling except Two-bit. He is glaring daggers at me. I smirk.

"Catch, Keith!" I say as I throw him his switch. I remember Johnny and Pony telling me his actual name. He fumbles as he almost drops it. He looks at me, shocked, before shaking his head and chuckling.

Time skip of about one day!!! (lol, i'm lazy)

Tonight is the greaser and Soc rumble. Honestly, I'm a bit excited. I walk out of Bucks place.

"Hey, Little Hood!" I hear Buck call. I turn around, Buck is standing at the door.

"Yeh, Buck?" I smile.

"Uh, j-just be careful, ok?" He sighed and looked directly into my eyes. 

"Y-yeh, don't worry. Don't be going soft on me, Buck," I say and walk down the street. I can hear Buck laughing from behind me. As I make my way to the Curtis house I see reporters outside.

Ah shit, here we go.

I tried to sneak around them but they saw me. I pushed right through them to the middle. I found Johnny and Pony being questioned. I went up to them.

"Is there any exit?" I ask. They shook their heads.

"Y/n! You were a part of a notorious drag race group in New York, what can you tell us?" Someone pushed a mic in my face. More questions flooded in.

"Why did you dye your hair purple?"

"Did you set the fire?"

"Why did you move to Tulsa?"

"Did you murder Bob?"

"We heard you had a friend back in New York, can you talk more about that?" 

"Are you going to kill more people?"

"Was this heroic act a fluke?"

I felt so overwhelmed. Johnny and Pony were also being pummeled with questions. We had pictures taken. I started to get angry. I grabbed a mic and pulled it away from the person. I held it in my hand and with my other hand I redirected the other mics in Pony and Johnny's faces.

"Listen up! We will not be answering any of your dumbass questions! So, screw off and leave us alone!" I say proudly. I drop the mic on the ground and quickly grab Pony and Johnny, pulling them along into the Curtis house. 

Little Hood (Johnny Cade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now