Chapter 2

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The next morning Buck came bursting into my room.

"Hey! Little hood!" He yelled. I jumped up from surprise. He always called me 'Little hood'. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"What's up, Buck?" I say yawning.

"Well, it's 10:00. Don't ya have school?" He asked me, looking at his watch.

"Oh shit!" I quickly threw on my shoes and my jacket and pulled my bag up. I patted Buck on the shoulder and ran out of my room and down the stairs. "Don't worry, Buck, I'll work later!" I yelled to him as I ran out the door and down the street. I held my thumb out to cars as I ran. But, no cars stopped. I looked behind me, I crashed right into someone.

"Watch it!" They yelled. I looked up and saw a random greaser guy. Oh Shoot! I could be in a lot of trouble. He seemed mad. I backed away a little and his face changed when he saw me.

"Wait, I know you!" He said. I was beyond confused. "Yeah! You were drag racin' up in New York!" He smiled. I calmed a bit and nodded.

"Yeh, I did a lot of races." I shrug. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and continues talking.

"You were part of that one gang. Ah, shoot, what was their name?" He snapped his fingers. "Rogue Racers? Yeah them!" He exclaimed. I nodded. "You know, my outfit needs a good racer." He smirked. I shrugged.

"Sounds like you gotta problem," I started to run towards the school again. Leaving the greaser guy on the sidewalk. I finally got to my class and sat down in the back of the class, breathing heavily. I zoned out.

The bell rang pulling me out of my trance. I quickly got up and zoomed out of the class after slamming my homework on the teacher's desk. When I got to the lunch room I set my bag down on a table and sat down until others came. I didn't have money to spend on lunch or money that I wanted to spend on lunch. Once there were enough people in the cafeteria I walked around. I started to swipe little things from people's lunches. Apples and chips and stuff. I tried stealing from a Soc but they caught me.

"Get lost, hood!" They yelled. I jumped and rushed off to my table. As I sat down I saw the same stray saw yesterday. He looked at me then he leaned in and told something to the kid in front of him. Then, his friend turned and looked right at me. I picked up my things and walked to my next class eating an apple.

Ding! Ding!

The bell rang and we all shuffled out of the school. I walked out and started to head back to Buck's place. Once I got there I set my stuff up in my room and went back downstairs and started to help clean up Buck's party place. I was cleaning tables and getting people beer.

"Get me a beer barkeep," Someone demanded. I turned and saw that same Mickey Mouse shirt guy. He looked at me and smirked. I remembered he had those nice switchblades. I smiled and pushed his drink towards him, I made eye contact with him and fluttered my lashes. He went to say something but his drink "accidently" spilled in his lap. He jumped up and muttered curses. 

"Ah shoot! I'm sorry," I lied and grabbed a towel. I then begin to try and whip off the drink from his lap. I glance up at him and he is staring down at me. I turn my head up and stare back. I slowly reach my hand in his pocket. I grab a switch and put it in my pocket.

"I'm real sorry," I lied again and handed him another drink. He smirked and took it.

"How old are ya again?" He cocked an eyebrow. I went to respond when Buck saves me from a web of lies that would be difficult to unspin.

"Hey, little Hood!" Buck calls from across his place. I look up to him. He pointed to a table towards the front and I nodded. Buck took a long drag of his smoke. I walked over to the table.

"What can I get-cha from the bar?" I ask as I walk up to the guy sitting there.

"Hi there, Rogue Racer," I looked up and saw it was the guy I bumped into before. I laughed.

"The names y/n." I told him.

"So, about that race...?" He raised a brow. I smirked.

"Time and place?" I said as I brought him his beer. 

Little Hood (Johnny Cade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now