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I take a deep breath as adrenaline rushes through my body, the cold foggy air filling my lungs my eyes opening as I set the timer and took off, the wind violently blowing through my hair, the music from my headphones blocking out any worries I might have had, my breathing becoming rigid and my breaths becoming shallow as I reached the end, the beautiful morning pushing me over the edge my body passing the finish line my stopwatch pausing at the exact moment I crossed it, the numbers reading 11.23, my breathing returning to normal as I dropped to the ground to rest. taking my headphones out when I saw my coach walking over to me. you're pushing yourself too hard. she said standing over my body " if I don't how will I get into my dream school" I say brushing off her concern you show up an hour early to school every day to train, attend every track meet and walk home, you're going to hurt yourself.

"I passed my personal record today" I smiled showing her the stopwatch but she just shook her head. be honest with me, when was the last time you thought of anything other than track? I rose my shoulders as she crouched down next to me. " I guess on the run to school I was thinking about a new movie coming out soon" I watched as she threw her hands up, closing her eyes in disapproval. I suppose you also run to and from school... "coach, with all due respect, I need to get a scholarship this year, my whole career depends on it, I can't just slack off, I don't have the money to pay to get into college." I'm just worried.

would y/n l/n please report to the counselor's office, I repeat would y/n l/n report to the counselor's office, please.

" Well, as much as I would love to stay and continue this conversation, I have to get going" I watched the coach roll her eyes before she helped me off the ground. I quickly grabbed my things and headed toward the school. WALK! I heard my coach yell after me but I ignored her.

( counselor's office)

I leaned into the chair, Mrs.Dias, looking threw some folders before sliding a document towards me. you only put one university on this form. "I'm aware... I only want to go to this one" y/n, it's important to have a back up " is there a reason this is now so important? I mean we turned these in 3 months ago." y/n, you have an amazing track record, Ms.Gracey even says you're the best she has had in her time working at the school. " is there a problem with that? I'm not seeing the issue." the University of Southern California requires you to be above average in all classes to earn a scholarship. your grades are sitting at a C average. "that's why I have track recommendations, and I am passing everyone on the team, I work hard and never slack off." you show amazing determination on the field but you need to apply that to your school work too. with the way your grades are now, you won't be able to get a scholarship.

I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my chest, my breathing picking up and she continued to ramble on about something I couldn't quite make out, my ears ringing as I blankly stared at her. look, you have amazing talent, your grades just need to rise, I think a tutor would really help you. I snapped out of my trance looking up at her " what no! I don't have time for that, I- my... I need to practice." y/n, maybe we can get your coach to way in on the situation, she could help come up with a plan that would fit into your schedule. "yes.... tell Ms.Gracey to come-- she will agree that I don't need tutoring, I just been busy." Mrs.Dias picked up the phone making an announcement for my coach to join us, and after a few minutes, she entered taking a seat next to me. thank you for taking the time to join us, Ms.Gracey. I'm not sure if you're aware but y/n has been slacking in her classes, and if she wants to get into the University of Southern California she needs to fix them. my coach looked at me then at Mrs.Dias, not knowing what to say. no-no I was not aware of this.

it's really an easy fix, we just need to set her up with a tutor, I already have someone who is willing to help her. " I already said I don't have the time for that, there must be a faster way to fix this, I need to train, if I slack off then my chances will be gone." I looked at Ms.Gracey hoping for her to help me but she just sightly stared at the ground. " please... say something" y/n... from this point on you are off of the track team. she said sternly before looking at Mrs.Dias who was just as shocked as I was. "w-what? but I am team captain, I am the best on that team, you said it yourself" Ms.Gracey just stood up pushing in her seat. now Ms.Gracey I'm sure that's going too far, she needs to be on track for her track scholar, we just need to set up a schedule to fit into her time.

as her coach I see the best way to get her grades up is to temporarily kick her off, she can come back and resume her role as team captain when her grades get to where they need to be. " no! that's not fair! I worked my ass off to get to where I need to be, to where I am!" y/n, I decision is final, get your grades up then you are welcomed back. and with that, she left the room. I felt myself start to panic, my breathing becoming more and more shallow like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. ok, y/n just relax, I can introduce you to someone willing to help, he is top of all his classes and...

my ears started ringing again my breathing only getting worse. I could hear the door opening and someone standing in front of me. 'i'm ben gross" he held out his hand for me to shake it, I just grabbed my bag and left the room, heading straight to the track felid to talk to Ms.Gracey, but as soon as I got there she told me to leave. " please, I- I will work harder! I'll do double the laps and I" she just grabbed my shoulder and pulled me off the field, y/n I have a class right now, please leave. " y-you can't do this!" I already did, the problem is track, even now your problems are grades and all you are thinking about is track, I already said when your grades go up, you are welcomed back. she left me standing there going back to her class. I grabbed my phone calling my mom.

honey is there a problem? I am at work. "I, I need you to come get me please" I can't right now, what's wrong? " I can't stay here... I need to go home" ok ok just calm down I'm coming.

( a/n!!!)

heyyy sorry ben wasn't in this much, I want y/n to feel like a real person with flaws and a personality, so I am building up to it.

anyways I wanted to show her having a sort of breakdown and panic attack, so she might have come off as annoying or pushy, I will explain later on why track is so important to her but yea that's it.

if you liked this chapter please vote or comment since I love reading them. that's all.

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