good idea

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'any ideas of what we should do?' he asked me tapping his pencil on his notebook. " stranger things, it's set in the 1980's and with the new season we can see how Will is struggling with his sexuality." He looked at me lifting an eyebrow before leaning back into his seat. "Or you know... whatever you want to do," I say, he looked like he hated the idea, he started writing things down, and smiled. ' that's a really good idea' I felt myself smile, and that seemed to have caught his attention. ' so you do smile' he smiled which made annoyed me, "what are talking about, I smile all the time" he leaned back and crossed his arms, ' are you delusional?' he laughed when he said that and I just rolled my eyes, bringing my attention back to my headphones on his desk. ' ok! we can talk about how the aids crisis would make him not want to come out...' I reached forward to grab the headphones, but he got to them first, our hands touching for a slip second before he put them in his backpack " you know that's stealing right?" ' it's only stealing if I don't intend to give them back ' " that's not how that works" I say laying my head on the desk. '

' on the bright side I figured out why you are falling behind, you are always listening to music ' " I can multitask" I snapped back ' is that why your grades are so good?" he asked, I didn't respond, he had completely won that argument, ' we can make a display board since it would gain us more points then a PowerPoint slide... umm, I have all the materials at my house. he kept going on about how we were going to design the project, it felt like I was listening to him talk for hours, I have never been happier to hear a bell ring. "can I get my headphones back now?" ' yea, after school' he walked away before I can protest. great, I am going to have to deal with this asshole until my grades get up...

the worst part is, the day isn't even halfway done, I had biology next, but I didn't feel like dealing with the teacher. I left history going down the hallways. ' bio is this way ' shit...i got caught " I don't have bio today" I yell back and walked away, what is he stalking me now. ' are you really trying to skip class right now?' Ben asked grabbing my arm to stop me from walking away. " no, I just have math' I say trying to get my hand lose but his grip was surprisingly strong. 'we have the same classes y/n' he looked me in the eyes and i could tell he was annoyed. " that's not true, I would have noticed you " he rolled his eyes and begin pulling me down the hall. ' history, bio, lunch english, math' he stated, and he was right. While he dragged me down the halls my eyes locked with devi's, she was in her normal group but she looked pissed, her other friends staring at me.

" you don't have to baby sit me, we can just meet at the library after school. We don't suddenly need to start talking during school" i know i was being mean. But hanging with ben wasn't my ideal highschool life. We just met yesterday and now he feels like he needs to watch over me. ' this isn't fun for me either, having to watch over you just because you can't pay attention' he said, we walked into the classroom and he let go of me. I know I was being an asshole first but his comment still hurt.

( time jump <3 )

The day ended, and ben was right, we did have the exact same schedule. I don't know why I never noticed him, but I decide I was going to try and make this whole thing easier for him and I. Today was the first day I actually understood what the teachers where talking about. Not wearing headphones was horrible but if it would make me get my grades up faster then that's what I was going to do. i walked into the library and sat down quickly taking out my folder and getting started on the work. ' ok... do you need help with anything?' he asked, I shook my head and got back to work. i just need to pay attention, if I do this will all be over. ' you're being awfully quiet" he said causing me to look up at him. " yea..." what he said hadn't bothered me, I didn't really care what he thought of me. but it wasn't fair to make him watch over me. I passed him my folder so he could check over the answers, ' they are all correct' " great are we done here?" I stood up and packed my bag. ' hold on was that all the work you needed to do?' he asked me concerned "yup, I did the others during lunch" I began to walk away but he grabbed my arm stopping me. ' did- did I make you mad or something?' shit... I am being an asshole right now... "no, I just don't want to waste your time" he let go of my arm and I left.

( flash back)

y/n, can you help me please? ash asked standing at my door. " sure, what is it?" I want to join the track team "really? track?" yes, but I don't have anyone to practice with. " you want me to start running?" I asked horrified at the idea that I had to run for fun. please! i really want to do this ash said, holding out the form for his school track team. " I'll do this but you owe me big time" deal!! he happily yells, lets go! we can run to the school and back. i looked at him like he had lost his mind, but I went along with it, he seemed so excited.

( end )


Hey guys I am sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, my computer crashed and I had to write this on my phone.

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