an old friendship

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( i want to clarify Paxton and y/n are just friends! nothing else! Paxton does not like y/n and vice versa, he is in this chapter, so I don't want it to come off that there is something between them, I hate love triangles, and I don't like the idea of just taking the plot of nhie.)

(also there will be a few pictures in this chapter and I want to remind you guys that it is just to show off the pose so you can get an idea of what I mean, I don't want you to think that that's what y/n looks like since this is supposed to be you just imagine yourself in the spot of the girl thats all enjoy")

(after school)

I walked home still in ben's basketball shorts and shirt, the sun beating down on me as a slight breeze blew my hair back. god!! do I not think before I speak!! I thought to myself, the only good thing that came out of that whole scene we caused was that I got to miss 2nd hour, the rest of the school day I felt like everyone was staring at me, I don't blame them either what kind of sane person would shout that someone got them wet. I'm sure it would all blow off by tomorrow but it still was humiliating.

I got home and went straight to my room and changed into a tank top and some shorts before putting Ben's clothes in the washer so I could give them back. I sighed putting my hair up, then putting on my shoes, I didn't have time to go to the gym yesterday so now I had to make up for it, this whole tutoring situation was messing my schedule up, I guess not having track meet-ups after school leveled it out but still, during track I could just get my work out done during it, now I have to set aside time to go to the gym. I began to walk out I turned to the mirror stopping in my tracks, no way... "it's not that different from what you used to wear" repeated in my head as I looked myself up and down, "you have to be kidding me...."

I stormed out of the house and started running, the outfits are completely different! I mean other that the shorts! I don't dress like a boy I scoffed to myself and rolled my eyes, he had no idea what he is talking about, I sped up wanting to get ...

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I stormed out of the house and started running, the outfits are completely different! I mean other that the shorts! I don't dress like a boy I scoffed to myself and rolled my eyes, he had no idea what he is talking about, I sped up wanting to get to the gym before it began to get full. I heard my name and stopped looking at the car that was pulling up, "Paxton?" I said as he rolled down the window, "hey y/n, you heading to the gym?" he asked, "ugh, yea why?" "do you need a ride?" I stood there for a minute before responding, "sure.." I walked up to the car getting in.

"it feels like we haven't hung out in a long time," he said focused on the road, "yea, I've just been busy" he hummed in response tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, "it's my fault, I was the one who stopped talking to you" he shook his head before speaking up "naw, you were going through something," he said then we both fell silent, waiting for the other to speak "so, what was that this morning," he said putting me on the spot "ah, don't remind me of that!" my face heating up just thinking about it, he laughed looking at me "he pushed me into his pool it just came out the wrong way," I said covering my face. "yea I figured, you and ben really don't make sense together" "really?! a lot of people have been saying that, I didn't think my social status was that low" he forrowed his eyebrows looking at me, "what do you mean?" he asked "well, I don't think that ben is that much better than me...." "y/n people think you're way too good for ben" "what? that's so not true" "it so is! the school nerd with one of the most popular track team players, how did you even come to the conclusion that he was the one out of your league?" "I just, don't talk that much" I replied thinking back to the school year, "holy shit you're just as clueless as ever I swear u have hundreds of guys coming up to me asking if you are single" "stop lying! why would they ask you and not me?!" "Because you are oblivious! they give me some sob story about how they would flirt with you and you would flirt back but then you would stop talking to them" "I would have noticed if someone was flirting with me! plus I haven't flirted with someone this whole school year, I am not clueless" he looked at me and smirked, "you thought your crush on Trent was unnoticeable" I felt my face heat up and I became a little too defensive "I never liked Trent... i-i, want do you mean" he bursted out laughing pulling into the gym parking lot, "everyone knew besides Trent" "oh whatever, that was in middle school! I am soo over him now" I said crossing my arms "sure" he muttered under his breath before getting out of the car. I followed after him grabbing my water, " I am!" "if that's what you say," he remarked"I'm saying what's true!" he laughed and entered the gym.

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