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I sat on his couch as he looked through channels, the sound of lightning striking and rain hitting the rooftop, ok... this is awkward, I am sitting in his house, in his clothes while he is clearly avoiding eye contact and isn't speaking, I overstayed my welcome but I can't leave! the stupid rainstorm would make it impossible to see the roads plus I don't even have my clothes. I was pulled out of my thoughts by ben talking, "hmm?" I hummed missing what he had asked me, "is there anything you want to watch?" he asked still not looking at me. "oh...ugh..." why is this so weird we were getting along earlier what changed? " Rick and Morty...?" he turned to me our eyes meeting a big smile on his face, "you like Rick and Morty?!" he said excitedly waiting for my response, "ugh... yea..." I say back his eyes lighting up and the tension we had earlier disappearing, the truth is, I only said rick and Morty because of the pens I saw earlier, I mean I've seen a few episodes with my brother once but other than that I know absolutely nothing. "what's your favorite episode?" he asked looking through his recorded shows" "the one where he is a pickle..." I say off the top of my head and he nodded a smile on his face. he put it on and we sat there for a few minutes before he turned to look at me.

"Since we're stuck here why don't we at least try to get to know each other," he said with a small smile on his face, "sure, what do you want to know?" "well since I told you I like Devi you tell me who you like," he said which made me roll my eyes "first off you didn't tell me I figured it out, and you're asking me who I like?" "whatever same thing, and yea, if you know my crush it's only fair I know yours" "dude, I am pretty sure the whole school knows you like Devi, you are sooo obvious," I say leaning a bit closer to him "are you dodging the question?" he asked smirking a little "of course not, I don't like anyone, no time for that" he rose an eyebrow and I could tell he didn't believe me, "I'm telling the truth!" I say smiling, "I don't really focus on other people." "you're telling me you don't like anyone?" " Well, In freshman year I did like..." I stopped myself from talking embarrassment taking over, and he could tell, "ohh this should be good! tell me who it was" he said getting a little closer to me "nevermind it was no one" I say turning away from him. "oh come on! I won't tell" "fine...but if anyone ever finds out I will tell Devi you have a massive crush on her. " he nodded and waited for me to give a name, " it was Trent" his mouth slightly dropped and his eye widened "you're lying, this is some kind of joke" "I swear! he was older and I thought he was cute." "I mean I was expecting you to say Paxton of someone else but Trent... I mean... really?" "Are you trying to insult me!??" I say sarcastically crossing my arms " he isn't that bad, I mean he is... well he can..." he looked at me with a sly smirk on his face, and I could tell an I told you so was minutes away from leaving his mouth, I grabbed the pillow next to me and threw it at him before he could say anything.

he grabbed the pillow looking at me shocked, his stupid face causing me to smile, my phone ringing, pulling my attention away from ben. "I have to take this.." I say walking away from the couch, "hello" I say into the phone, a bunch of people talking in the background, "hey sweetie, I'm just checking in, are you ok?" my mom said, "yea, I'm just working on a school project, why?" " I just wanted to tell you I won't be home tonight, I have... hey! that's not where that goes" she yelled at one of her employees, funny how even in a phone call I'm not her priority "why? didn't you stay overnight yesterday?" I asked the sound of her talking to someone else before the phone hung up. great, I say under my breath, looking at my phone. I took a deep breath before walking back into the living room, "who was that?" ben said stuffing chips into his mouth, "the cops..." his neck practically snapped to turn to look at me, "they caught me shoplifting so they are coming to get me. "r-really?" he asked his voice shakey "no, " i said extending the word and he let out a sigh of relief closing his eyes, " I'm actually a murder suspect" he looked back at me annoyed before throwing the pillow he had in his arms at me causing me to laugh.

"It was just my mom, she is staying overnight again" he nodded the dryer going off causing us to look out the window rain still pouring. " do you know how to drive in the rain?" I asked since it was already late and i was starting to get tired. "Ugh...yeA...." He siad his voice cracking, "ok... I'll go get my clothes..." So that was clearly a lie... He wouldn't actually drive if he can't would he??. And to my surprise when i went back to the living room he had the keys in his shakey hand " are you sure you can drive... We can wait for the rain to stop..." "Oh thank god" he said letting out the breath he was holding.

And here we are, sitting back on his couch, rick and Morty in the background, me and ben on edge not knowing what to say. Why out of all days does it have to rain today. "so..." He looked at me breaking the silence "how long do you think the rain will last?" He said tapping his foot on the floor. "Who knows..." "Right...right..." "God why is this so awkward! I mean we have been hanging out for a week now so What's with the tension?" He chuckled amd rose his shoulders "it's probably my fault, I'm bad at making friends" he said taking the blame "friends and girls" i say teasing him. "ok that's not true, devi... Devi likes paxton" "dude half the female population likes paxton! She likes the idea of him, oh, i bet i could get a boyfriend before you even confess to devi." His eyebrow rose his stupid smirk coming back "deal... And if you lose?" He said holding his hand out " if you lose, you have to buy me hot wings when ever i want!" "You really have your priorities straight" he muttered rolling his eyes "and if you lose you have to... Ugh..." He stopped trying to think of something " I'll think about it" he said grabbing my hand and shaking it. The game is one and one thing is for sure, i will win.


Heyy guys sorry for not update the last few days i have been busy, i probably should mention this now but this book is a slow burn since I hate when the characters get together so quickly. So if you don't like longer books then this probably won't be for you.

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