a long dinner

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" i would love to stay ms, l/n" he said smiling at me before turning to my mom, "no, really ben, I think you should head home" I said trying to get him to leave, the last thing I need is for my mom to start getting the wrong idea. "y/n don't be rude! we have enough food to invite him" she said smiling, "I'll be inside feel free to park in the driveway" she walked away leaving us alone, " what are you trying to pull?" "what do you mean, it's rude to deny a dinner reservation" he said smirking "ben, go home." "no way" he pulled into the drive way leaving me standing in the street. shit! I thought to myself walking over to my house.

i opened the door ben walking him my mom setting out plates, "I'm sorry I didn't expect company so I didn't cook" she said taking out some drinks. "oh, don't worry about it Ms. l/n, I actually love hot wings" I laughed to myself and rolled my eyes ben looking over at me. "try hard" I muttered under my breath, smiling at him. i helped set the table ben sitting next to me. while I was mentally preparing to get embarrassed, my mom sat across from us and immediately started asking questions. " so, are you guys in the same class?" she asked smiling at ben, "oh yea, in fact we have the same exact schedule" "oh! so that must mean you guys been friends for a long time" I could see been slightly smirk at the question. " yes, ma'am, she seems to be friends with a lot of kids in school" I saw my moms eyes light up with excitement, and all I could think about was how I was going to murder ben later. " really?! she never talks about her school life, I didn't realize she was popular" " I'm not mom, don't listen to him" I say glaring at ben.

"you know paxton?" ben asked my mom, "oh yes, he's such a nice boy" "well your daughter and him are good friends, they even work out together" I clenched my fists before kicking him under the table, he closed his eyes holding his leg tightly, " what happen ben, are you ok?" I asked as the pain shot up he's leg. " i'ts n-nothing" he said "I just dropped my fork" " I'll get you a new one" my mom said leaving the table and I took my chance, I grabbed his collar pulling him towards me "stop talking" I whispered him his ear before I let go of him. my mom came back handing him the fork. the next 10 minutes was my mom asking ben more questions and him answering shortly. and after a while she got a call and had to step out. "I'm friends with paxton? really?" I say turning to him " holy shit that hurt! why'd you kick me? i wasn't lying" I laughed before responding " ben and I just happen to go to the same gym, we aren't friends" "ok, ok just, please don't do that again" he looked at my plate and smirked to himself, "let me try one of those"I grabbed his hand tightly so he couldn't move it "don't you dare" I let go of him and he began rubbing his wrist. " you want some water?" i walked away pouring to glasses, my mom running in the house grabbing her purse and keys " I'm sorry hunny i have to go back to work, I'll be back tonight" she said before leaving. "of course" i muttered before walking back to the table.

"my mom, just left so, you can leave now too" i looked at my plate before back at him " you asshole" i say noticing he took some of my food. " you took the best type of wings and didn't expect me to want some?" he said smirking at the fact that he was getting under my skin. " i just thought they would be too hot for you, i mean you are kinda girly" his eyes widend and he stood up walking over to me "girly!! me?" " yea, you are, i mean you stare at devi all day, I'm pretty sure i saw hearts with her name in it all over your notebooks. "Thats not true. me and devi are just friends, not even we mostly just compete against each other, even thought that's kinda pointless for her since i am clearly the smarter on between us... i cut him off laughing at how clueless he was being " dude, do you even hear yourself?" he rolled his eyes picking up the plates on the table helping me clean up. "you are such a nerd, I'm the smarter one between us" i said mocking him. we both looked up our eye locking for a few seconds before i looked away "well, I'll see you tomorrow, and y'know don't crash of anything" "what? do you care about me?" he asked walking torwads the door "no, but if you die then i have to do the project by myself and that's to much work" he laughed leaving the house. another night alone in the house...

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