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We get to sonic and theirs the Hollywood fix.
Vinnie:Oh look here comes fletcher. Great
He looks at me and I kiss his hand. Fletcher comes over to the car and Vinnie rolls the window down.
Fletcher:Hey Vinnie, hi y/n how are you guys?
Vinnie:Good how abt you?
Fletcher:I'm good. So what's up with you two?? Are you guys dating?
He looks at me and I nod for him to say yes.
Vinnie:Yeah we are actually
Fletcher:Oh wow! When did this start?
Vinnie:Just recently
He holds my hand and I started getting anxious. He notices and rubs his thumb on the top of my hand.
Fletcher:So what are you guys doing today?
Vinnie:Just getting something to eat that's all
Fletcher:Ok well I'll leave you guys have a good day!
Vinnie:Thanks you too!
He rolls the window up and kissed me. Fletcher was still recording us and he says.
Vinnie:You good? You were anxious.
Y/n:Yeah it's just whenever paparazzi comes around it's give me a lot of anxiety from what there gonna ask and if I say I don't wanna answer it they just keep asking
He kissed my head and we ordered our food. I hand him my card.
Y/n:Yes you bought yesterday
Y/n:Yes vinnie
He hands them my card and we get our food.
Vinnie:Thank you
We kiss and park to eat.
Y/n:Your so hot when you eat.
Vinnie:Especially when I eat you out.
I blush and he smirks at me.
Y/n:God your so cute
We kiss and he puts a hand on my thigh. He makes his way up to my clit and rubs it.
Y/n:Vinnie. You went so fucking hard I don't think I can handle it.
He laughs and says.
Vinnie:Ok so we should ask each other questions.
Y/n:Ok you go first
Vinnie:Ok how old were you went you long your virginity?
Y/n:Oh umm look I think that since were dating I should tell you this.
Vinnie:Ok what's up?
Y/n:So when I was 16 I had my first bf. We were dating for around five months and he knew I was a virgin. So one day we were watching a movie in my room. He all of the sudden started forcing himself onto me. I told him I wasn't ready and he of course didn't like that answer. So he pinned me to the bed and took of his and my clothes. He started thrusting into me rlly hard and my brother was home so I was screaming for him and around five minutes later he came running in. And my bf was thrusting into me so hard that I was bleeding. So my brother him out of my and started beating the shit out of him while our neighbors heard me screaming so my bffs mom came running in my room and saw me laying on the bed. Bleeding. So she ran over to me while my brother had him in a head lock and he was calling my sister. My sister raced home from work and when I tell you she beat the shit out of him she beat the shit out of him. But then her and my bffs mom took me to the hospital and I saw him at school one last time. And then his parents sent him to military school. Not to mention I've been shot twice.
He sat there looking at me shocked. He hugged me and kissed my head
Vinnie:oh my god y/n. I'm so sorry
Y/n:Hey it's ok it's in the past.
He kisses my head and I say.
Y/n:Wanna know how I got shot twice?
Y/n:Ok so I was at school and then there were these guys they were bully's to everyone and they brought a gun to school and when he acted like he was gonna shoot ppl so I stood up and told him to stop. Well the teacher wasn't in the room and the gun was loaded. So he acted like he was gonna shoot me and someone bumped into him on accident and he shot me twice. Once in the leg and then in my arm. So the teacher ran in and I was rushed to the hospital.
Vinnie:Holy shit! When was this??
Y/n:Junior year in high school
Vinnie:Oh my god. You've been through a lot of shit
Vinnie:Who all knows??
Y/n:Umm not really anyone in the house. I mean Thomas, Mia and Jacob know.
He kisses me
Vinnie:God that's rlly rough. No one will ever hurt you while I'm around
He kisses my head and we kiss.

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