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We walk into the bowling alley and I was holding vinnies hand. We go up to the counter and get one game and shoes. I typed in our names and I bowled. I hug Vinnie and he kisses my head.
Vinnie:Your so beautiful baby girl
Y/n:Your so hot daddy
Vinnie:Oh don't call me that here.
Y/n:Why not daddy?
Vinnie:Unless you want me to fuck you right here in front of your brother and everyone else, I'd suggest you not call me that.
He kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck.
Will:Yo love birds stop making out and come on!
Y/n:Your turn
He kisses me and bowls.
Y/n:So Will what's up with you theses days??
Will:Umm nothing rlly. I'm going to be a freshmen this September.
Y/n:Holy shit you are?
Y/n:That's really weird
Will:Yeah I'm scared
Vinnie:Don't be it's not that hard. I will tell you that junior year isn't the best. You have to study for every god damn thing. Plus your preparing for the SAT if you take it. And the WACS is a lot harder.
Y/n:The what?
Vinnie:Like the big test you have to take at the end of the year 
Will:Oh the NECAP
Y/n:Yeah the state test. But at least you'll get a prom. Unlike me I didn't get one my senior year cause for Covid.
Vinnie:Oh same
Y/n:I had a graduation party tho.
Vinnie:Yeah, me, the baseball team and a few of my friends went to Nevada and my friends brother he was like four years older than us so he went with us. And he bought a fucking shit ton of alcohol and we rented out a house and had a huge party. And I got flat out drunk and then woke up the next morning with a horrible hang over. But then the rest of the day I just sat in bed and watch movies.
Y/n:Hold up you played baseball??
Y/n:Aww I wanna see pictures
Vinnie:My mom has some. So when I go up there next you can come? If you want?
Y/n:Ok sure. Well when I graduated my best friend, her bf, my bf and me went to New York City for a week and just hung out and went shopping and just stuff like that.
Will:Oh yeah. Well you guys should come to Vermont in a few weeks. And come to the lake.
Y/n:Yeah I was talking to Ky the other day and I had planned on coming at the end of this month and staying there for a couple weeks
Vinnie:Wait whose Ky?
Y/n:Oh sorry my sister Kylee
Y/n:Yeah there's Kylee she's the oldest, then James he's the second oldest, my step brother Jason, me, Will and then Ben.
Vinnie:I only have a younger brother Reggie.
Y/n:Oh yeah I remember when he called you and asked if I was single.
Vinnie:Yeah and if he try's flirting with you or anything he's dead.
He kisses me.

Once we finish the game we go out to the car.
Y/n:Ok where do you guys want to eat??
Will:What's open at 11?
Vinnie:Olive Garden
Y/n:Wanna eat there?
We get there and get seated.

Once we finish eating we pay and go home.
Will:Thank you guys!
He hugged us.
Y/n:Your welcome!
Will:Ok I'm going to bed
Y/n:Ok night
He walks upstairs and I kiss Vinnie.
Vinnie:My beautiful gf
We kiss again. We were standing in the living room. All the lights were out and he kissed me. We started making out and he picks me up. We start kissing again and he moves us to the couch. He starts kissing my neck leaving hickeys.
He started taking down my pants and I stopped him.
Y/n:Baby we used the last condom
Vinnie:Fuck I forgot
We go upstairs and he says
Vinnie:I'll be right back
Vinnie pov
I knock on Thomas door and they say come in.
Vinnie:Hey do you guys have a condom?
Thomas:No Mia's on birth control
Vinnie:Ugh ok. I ran out of condoms and her birth control ended yesterday. And it won't be in for a few days.
Thomas:Oh sorry man
Vinnie:It's fine night
I go to aces room and see him laying on his bed on his bed.
Vinnie:Hey do you have a condom?
Ace:No I need to get some tho
Vinnie:Ugh ok
Vinnie:Y/n's birth control ended yesterday and we used the last condom
I go to all the guys rooms and no one had any. I walk back to y/n's room and see her in bed reading a book.
Y/n:Hey baby
She looks up at me and she had glasses on.
Vinnie:Oh you look so cuteeeeee
I changed and she said.
Y/n:Any luck?
Vinnie:Nope. Mia is on birth control, so is Paige, ace, Kristian, jake, didn't have any, Jacob had these rlly crappy ones, Bryce and Jackson's were too small. So nope I didn't have any luck. But you look so cute in those glasses.
Y/n:You've seen me in my glasses a hundred times!
Vinnie:I know and you always get cuter. I'll be right back I'm gonna go get my book.
I walk to my room and grab it. I walk back in and sit by her in the bed. It was currently 2:30 in the morning and she cuddled up into my side.
Y/n:Your so cute baby
She kisses me and I say.
Vinnie:I'm getting a shit ton of condoms tomorrow.
I go to kiss her forehead and I say.
Vinnie:You have a lot of pimples coming in.
Y/n:I know
I kiss her forehead and she says.
Y/n:Can we go to sleep now?
Vinnie:Yeah baby
I turn off the lamp and she takes off her glasses. I lay on her chest and wrap my arms around her waist.
Y/n:Good night baby
Vinnie:Good night bub
And we fell asleep

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