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Vinnie pov
I woke up the next morning and saw y/n gone. I walked into the bathroom and saw her looking at herself. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I buried my face in her neck and she looked at me through the mirror. I kissed her neck and I say.
Vinnie:how are you feeling?
Y/n:I look and feel shitty
Vinnie:We'll you might feel it but you dont look it.
Y/n:Yeah I do my face is all swollen and it has bruise on it.
Vinnie:We'll we go back to the dentist I'm two days.
She pecks me on the lips.
Y/n:I can't fully kiss you yet
Vinnie:Aww your so cute! I love you!
Y/n:I love you more
Vinnie:Not possible
He picks me up and takes me down stairs.
Thomas;Hey guys
Mia:How do you feel?
Y/n:Shitty I look it too
Mia:No you don't
Y/n:My fucking face is swollen!
Vinnie:You can't yell y/n
He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
Vinnie:I love you but stop yelling
Ace:Stop being cute your making me feel even more single.
Vinnie:Oh my god I love you so much!! I'm gonna marry you!
Mia:Where's the ring??
Vinnie:We're not engaged.
Y/n:Not yet. I love you so much
Vinnie:Ah your mine forever
Kristian:Why are you all not kissing?
Y/n:I can't yet
Vinnie:Ugh your lips look so perfect rn!
Y/n:We can try to
Vinnie:We'll if it hurt I don't want to
Y/n:It's fine
He kisses me and I kiss back.
Y/n:Oh it didn't hurt that bad
He kisses me again and we start making out.
Vinnie:Fuck your so hot
It was silent and Thomas clear this throat rlly loud. We stopped making out and looked over at everyone.
Kristian:You guys would make good porn stars.
We laugh and he picks me up. He sets me on the counter and wraps my legs around his waist. He kisses me and says.
Vinnie:I love you so much
He kissed me and we started making out again.
Vinnie:I wanna fuck you so bad rn.
I looked down at his pants and he had a boner.
He kisses me and I say.
Y/n:I can't have sex
He kisses me and we sit on the couch. He puts the blanket over us and we all sit down and watch a movie. We get around thirty minutes in and he started kissing my neck and leaving hickeys.
Y/n:Baby stop
He stops and I put my hand in his pants without him noticing. I start to stroke his dick and he moans.
Everyone looks at us and we act as if nothing happened.
Thomas:Who just moaned??
Y/n:What are you talking abt??
I start pumping him and he digs his face into my neck to muffle his moans.
Vinnie:Fuck I'm gonna cum
Y/n:Cum for me baby
He gripped onto couch and moaned. Ace got up and ripped the blanket off of us and saw my hands in his pants.
Thomas:So that's who moaned.
Y/n:Ok well I have to go wash my hands
I take my hand that was covered in cum out of his pants.
Vinnie:Oh god
I get up and go wash my hands. I sit back down next to him and we continue watching the movie.
Y/n:Can I have the blanket back now?
Ace:No you guys were having sex and I wanna watch the movie without ppl moaning.
I roll my eyes and flip him off.

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