I watch Vinnie drive off in his black Tesla. I walk back upstairs and hear faint cries from Alexa. I felt bad for not doing anything but at the same time she snuck a boy in so. I grab her phone and knock on her door.
Alexa:C-c-come in
I walk in and close the door. She looks up sniffling.
Alexa:D-d-does dad h-hate m-me??
Y/n:No he loves you more than anything in the world. That's why he got so mad. But here you can have your phone. I'll have to talk to your dad abt the rest of your stuff.
I sit down on her bed and hand her it.
Alexa:No I think he hates me
Y/n:That's not true Alexa. Your his life. I know it might not seem like that sometimes but it's true. He loves you to death. He would die for you.
Alexa:Where is he?
Y/n:He went to your uncle Jett's house to cool off. But we'll talk abt this in the morning. Ok?
She nods and I hug her.
Y/n:Ok love you good night
Alex:Love you night
I close her door and grab my phone. I see Vinnie had texted me. He said he was coming home. I laid down on our bed and turned on the tv. Around ten minutes later I started to drift to sleep. I saw vinnie come in and he laid down beside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
Y/n:I told her we'd talk abt it in the morning.
Vinnie:OkI wake up and see Vinnie asleep. His face was buried in my chest while I rubbed his back. He started to wake up and he kissed my cheek. He wrapped his long legs around my short ones. There was a knock at our door.
Vinnie:Come in
The door opens and Alexa comes in.
Alexa:Hey can I go to the mall with my friends today??
Vinnie:I said no.
He sits up and says.
Vinnie:Why do you have your phone??
I grab his arm.
Y/n:Hey chill out I let her have it.
Vinnie:Why would you do that?
Y/n:Because she's a teenager. I didn't give her the rest of her stuff.
He runs his hand through his hair. He rubs his face and tells her to sit down. She sits and he says.
Vinnie:Look I'm sorry I over reacted. I know I'm must have embarrassed you in front of whoever he was. But you ask to have boys over. I don't care if you have your girl friends over. You can have them over whenever you want to. But so help me god if I see another boy climb in or out of your window I will take that rifle and shoot him up. You understand??
She nods and he says.
Vinnie:I'm sorry
Alexa:It's ok
They hug and he kisses her head.
Vinnie:You know I just love you right?
She nods and Vinnie pulls me in.
Vinnie:All my girls. Except hera
He sighs and I kiss his cheek. She died around three years ago. She had gotten rlly sick and we lost her. Vinnie took it the hardest out of all of us. I mean she was his cat. He didn't go into work for two weeks. He drank and just stayed in bed wanting to have sex all the time. Sex was his way of relieving the pain in his life. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him he had to go to work and he wanted me to stay with him all day. He wouldn't listen so I finally called Maria. She came over and started yelling at him and knocked some sense into him. After that he went back to work to be the hottest business man alive.
Alexa:So can I have my stuff back?
Vinnie:Hell no
Vinnie:You can have your laptop back
Alexa:My iPad?
Y/n:I'm not in this
Vinnie:I'll think abt it
Alexa:Ugh fine can I go to the mall??
Vinnie:Whose going?
Alexa:Just Eliza, Jaden and me
Vinnie:Ok that's fine. Do you need money??
Vinnie:How much?
He gets up at grabs his wallet. He hands her a couple hundred dollars.
Alexa:Thanks daddy!
She kisses his cheek and he says.
Vinnie:Welcome. Why don't you buy a shirt that covers all of your body? Instead of a fucking crop top
Alexa:Now why the fuck would I do that?
Vinnie:Hey watch your language
Alexa:You just said it!
Vinnie:I don't give a fuck. I can do whatever the hell I want I own a multi billion dollar company.
Y/n:Who's taking you??
Alexa:Jordan's older sister
Vinnie:Ok that's fine
Alexa:Oh there here now! Ok love you guys bye!
Y/n:Love you bye!
Vinnie:Love you!
I heard the door slam shut and I said.
Y/n:Come here daddy
He smirked and got over top of me. He kissed me and I kissed back. He yanked my sweats down and started rubbing my clothes clit.
Vinnie:Your soaked through your panties?
I nod and he starts to pull it down slowly with his teeth. The door opens
Alexa:Sorry I forgot my lanyard-
She notices us and stared. Eyes wide, she walks out and slams the door shut.
Y/n:Oh my god
I laugh and cover my face with my hands.
Vinnie:That was so fucking embarrassing
He continues to take off my underwear and shirt. He starts to eat me out and hums sending vibrations through me. I moan and I feel him smirk. Once he's done he gets over top of me and smirks.
Vinnie:You ready??
I nod eagerly and he take off his clothes and pounds into me.Ok I'm I decided I'm gonna make a sequel to this book!