Twenty eight

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I got my nails done and filmed the rest of the day.

I was driving to the Barstool Sports studio and once I got there I saw Josh outside. I parked my car and grabbed my phone. I went up to him and hugged him.
Josh:Hey you ready??
Josh:Ok let's go!
We walk in and I say hi to Dave and Brianna. We sit down and put the headphones on.
Dave:Ok guys and we're back with a special guest! Y/n Y/l/n or should I say hacker!
I laugh
Dave:We'll I see a ring on your finger!
Y/n:Not on my left ring finger, I have it on my right hand.
Dave:Oh well I got confused! But right off the bat when are you and Vinnie getting married?? I mean on TikTok you guys are known as the power couple!
Y/n:Oh well we've talked abt marriage a lot before. And I've met his parents and there's literally so fucking nice. I love them but he's met my parents too. Well pretty much my whole family.
Josh:How did that go??
Y/n:It went good I think. I was kinda worried abt him meeting my older sister cause she's like extremely overprotective of me cause of the stuff I've been through.
Josh:Oh yeah
Brianna:Wait if you don't mind me asking what stuff?
Dave:Oh shit I forgot to tell you. Sorry y/n
Y/n:No it's fine. So basically when I was 15 I had a bf that raped me and I've been shot twice. But it's a rlly long story so I'll tell you later.
Brianna:Oh no you told me the story before sorry I completely forgot.
Dave:So did she start like making sure she knew everything abt him??
Y/n:Surprisingly not. Her and my older brother were actually extremely chill abt it.
Dave:Oh well that's good. Ok but we have to know are you boxing anyone? There were rumors going around that you were.
Y/n:No I said something in Thomas video abt how I'd pay any amount of money to box Andrew Tate. But I guess ppl took it the wrong way so. But I would actually love to box someone, but I don't have any drama with anyone right now so.
Brianna:Oh yeah I saw something abt that. But in one of your TikTok's you and Vinnie both had hickeys and oh my god Josh said if I ask you this he'd give me ten bucks. So have you and Vinnie fucked??
Y/n:Hell yeah. I can't even count how many times we've had sex. And my brother asked us the same question like three months ago.
Josh:Which one?
Y/n:14 year old Will
Josh:Oh Jesus
Y/n:Yeah it was so fucking random.
Dave:Oh my god. So on our Instagram story we asked ppl to send in questions that they wanted to know abt you so can we ask you some?
Dave:Ok here's the first one. Who was your idol growing up??
Y/n:Ah shit umm probably-wait like celebrity or someone in my family??
Dave:Either one.
Y/n:Ok well I'm my family it would probably be my mom and a celebrity would have to be Emma Watson.
Josh:Oh Emma is so hot.
Dave:Ok Josh. Who is your favorite singer?
Y/n:Taylor swift, MGK, Harry styles, Olivia Rodrigo and Adele.
Dave:Favorite foods?
Y/n:Pizza and ice cream
Josh:Favorite person in the whole world?
Y/n:Of course you ask that!
Josh:You absolutely have to answer it.
Y/n:Oh my god. Like right now?
Y/n:Fuck I don't know!
Josh:Just answer
Y/n:Ok fine! Probably my best friends. So Vinnie, Mia and my sister.
Josh:Now was that so hard??
Y/n:Who sent that question?
Y/n:Not surprising.
Josh:Ok what's your body count?
Y/n:If you think I'm answering that your insane
I laugh and I continue to answer questions.

Dave:Ok y/n one last thing before you go. We're gonna play fuck, marry, kill. Ok so Bryce Hall, Thomas Petrou, and Nick Austin. I know you two used to date is that right??
Y/n:We'll I mean we didn't exactly date but we just kinda hung out. I mean like we've kissed before.
Josh:So what's the story behind that??
Y/n:We'll back in like the middle of 2020 I was like moving to LA full time. And actually I wasn't even 18 yet. But do you guys remember when everyone came over to the house cause of chase?
Josh:Oh yeah me and Bryce were fucking pissed
Y/n:Yeah well I didn't know anyone was coming over so me and Nick were in my room and we basically told each other we had feelings and then we started making out and we had sex. But after that nothing happened and he started dating Madison Beer like a month later.
Josh:Oh so that's what happened
Y/n:Yeah but I'd probably kill Thomas, cause him and Mia are dating. I'd fuck Nick just cause I don't want to marry him. And I guess I'd marry Bryce all tho u wouldn't do anything with him. Cause me and Addison are good friends and I mean like I would never cheat on Vinnie so.
Dave:You've got some balls to say that you'd fuck Nick.
Y/n:I already did two years ago
We all laugh and he says.
Dave:Ok. chase Hudson, Andrew Tate, Kio Cyr
Y/n:Oh kill all of them. I hate every single one of them.
Brianna:What the reasons?
Y/n:We'll for Andrew he's an asshole. Kio he was talking mad shit abt me like a year ago. And chase oh my god there's so many reasons. Like he cheated on Charli twice. Then when she got with Landon he wrote a fucking song abt her. And I mean we used to be good friends but I said something on vinnies live abt him and he texted me and he was like what's up with this. He sent me a video of it and I was talking abt how he's a pussy. And I told him that I think it's stupid when he cheated twice. Like Charli gave him three chances but he fucked up all three times. And the thing is I supported him for like three years but as soon as he released that song I got fucking mad. I mean you cheated on my best friends little sister! How do you not expect me to be pissed??
Y/n:But kill Andrew, fuck chase and marry Kio.

After we finished I left and went home. I FaceTimed Vinnie and he answered.
Vinnie:Hi baby
He looked so perfect and I could tell he just got out of the shower. His hair was dripping wet and he had a towel around his waist. But it was rlly low.
Y/n:Hey bub
I was laying down in my bed and he said.
Vinnie:What are you doing?
Y/n:Laying in bed. I just got back from the barstool sports studio. Dave and Josh had me on the podcast.
Vinnie:Oh cool!
Y/n:Yeah I'm probably gonna order food or something. What are you up to?
Vinnie:I just got out of the shower and me and Thomas are filming a video today for my channel. I'm gonna try and teach him how to skate.
Y/n:Oh god
Vinnie:Yeah I'll probably have to take him to the hospital once we're done
I chuckle and he says.
Vinnie:So next time I'm in New York can we make a sex tape? If you don't feel comfortable with it we don't have to.
Y/n:Sure. As long as no one sees it.
He smiles and he drops his towel.
Y/n:Holy fuck
Vinnie:You like what you see baby girl?
Y/n:Fuck yeah
Vinnie:Go into your closet. And there's a box. I want you to open it and get the vibrator out.
I get up and grab it.
Vinnie:Set the phone up and strip.
I do as he says and get back on the bed.
Vinnie:Put it in you and turn it on.
I turn it on and put in me.
Vinnie:Ok keep it there.
It starts to vibrate and I moan.
Y/n:Fuck how do I turn it up.
Vinnie:I'll do that
It turns up to five and he says.
Vinnie:Wanna go higher?
I moan and he turns it up to ten. I see him start to get hard and he starts jerking off.

After I finish I order food and continue with the rest of my day.

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