We walked in and I saw my step dad. I hugged him and introduced him and Vinnie.
Vinnie:So when do I get to meet your step mom and dad?
Y/n:Tomorrow they said they had plans that they couldn't cancel cause they had already canceled it like twice. And tomorrow at camp you'll get to meet my nana and papaw, along with my aunts and uncles, and cousins.
Vinnie:Oh god do you think they'll like me?
Y/n:They will love you! It's Julie and James you have to worry abt.
He picks me up and kisses me.
Y/n:I'm hungry wanna go get some food?
Y/n:Ok! Mom we'll be back!
We get in the car and he says.
Vinnie:I wanna drive.
Y/n:You will later
Vinnie:Ugh I hate this feeling. Being in the passenger seat.
He cringes and I slap his thigh.
Y/n:Shut up!
Vinnie:Plus I'm older and taller!
Y/n:I don't care!
He puts his hand on my thigh. He moves it up to my clit and starts rubbing circles. I moved his hand to my thigh and he rubbed it. He put music on and we went to sonic. We got our food and sat in the car and ate. He kissed my cheek and I held his hand.
Vinnie:My wife
Y/n:My husband
We kissed and got back to the house. We walked in and I saw everyone in the kitchen. I threw our trash away and we sat down on the island.
Mom:Hey guys, what's up?
Y/n:Nothing we just ate.
Mom:Any plans for tonight?
Y/n:Umm idk yet. You wanna do anything?
I look over at Vinnie.
Vinnie:Idk I've only been here like twice.
Y/n:Oh. Well mom are you all going to camp tomorrow.
Mom:Yeah well be up there for the rest of the week.
Y/n:Ok. I think me and Vinnie are gonna come up there and stay for the week. But tomorrow I'm gonna show him around and we're gonna meet dad and everyone before we come up there.
Mom:Ok that sounds good.The next day
I wake up and see Vinnie beside me. He was laying on his stomach and he was still asleep. I looked at my phone and it was 9:30. I kissed his forehead and he started to wake up.
Vinnie:Hi baby
He pulled me into him and kissed me cheek.
Vinnie:When are we leaving?
Y/n:An hour maybe?
Y/n:Ok I'm getting in the shower are you coming with me?
Vinnie:Yeah but five more minutes
He pulls me down and lays on me. He kisses all over my face and he says.
Vinnie:So I'm just asking cause some families get upset but like what's up with your guys religion?
Y/n:Umm I mean we're religious but no one rlly cares a lot abt it.
Vinnie:Ok I was just asking cause I don't wanna cuss and then someone in your family start hating me cause I cussed.
Y/n:Oh no your fine no one gives a shit abt that at all. You can cuss all you want.
Vinnie:Ok just checking.
We kiss and get in the shower.
Vinnie:I love you so much
Y/n:I love you more
Vinnie:Not possible
We kiss and once we get out of the shower and finish getting ready we load all our stuff in the car. I tell my mom that we'll just come up to camp later. I text my dad and tell him we're on our way.Around ten minutes later we arrive and we walk in.
I hug him and then my step mom.
Y/n:Vinnie this is my dad Luke and my step mom Britney . Guys this is my bf Vinnie.
They all shake hands.
Dad:Hey how are you?
Vinnie:I'm good you?
Dad:We're pretty good!
We all talk and everything for a while. We say goodbye and get into the car.
Y/n:Ok I'm gonna show you everything!
We start driving and I show him my school, all the places me and my friends used to hangout at, the tree I had my first kiss under.
Vinnie:So are you gonna visit any of your friends?
Y/n:Umm there's a few I'm going to the rest of them no. When I started getting rlly famous and I was traveling from Vermont to LA all during quarantine they just kinda ghosted me. But when I asked them abt it they said that they didn't want to be my friend anymore cause I was famous and I had other friends. So they just stopped being my friend. And then the ones that stayed friends with me some of them moved away for college, stuff like that. But I'm gonna see my best friends that I talk to almost everyday.
I look down at my hands.
Vinnie:I'm sorry baby.
He hugs me and kisses my head.
Vinnie:There assholes
He kisses my forehead and I say.
Y/n:It's fine, I have you and everyone at the house. I does kinda suck to see ppl from the house like Addison, Dixie, Charli, Nick, and everyone to just move away. And they I mean me and Dixie are still rlly close but Addison, and the rest of them don't talk to me as much anymore.
He kisses my head.
Vinnie:I'm so sorry baby
He hugs me and I kiss him.
Vinnie:I won't ever leave you. Your the love of my life. My wife.
Y/n:I love you
Vinnie:I love you more
Y/n:Ok you ready to go to camp?
Vinnie:Yep! So like what's all up there? And how far?
Y/n:It's around 45 minutes to an hour to get there. But we have a boat, jet ski's, a lot of different boats, but there's the house that like my grandparents, parents, my aunts and uncles. And then we have this bunk house for like teenagers, me, my cousins, and all of us.
Vinnie:Oh cool, we have stuff like that up in Seattle. I'm gonna take you next time I go up.
Vinnie:Can we get food first I'm starving!
Y/n:Yeah wanna go to chick-fil-a?
We get our food and start driving to camp.An hour later
I park the car and we grab our stuff. We walk down to the cabin and I see my grandparents sitting outside watching Ben play. They notice me and I hug them.
Nana:Hi honey!
I them again.
Nana:I didn't know you were here!
Y/n:We'll I am!
Nana:And who's this?
Y/n:Guys this is my bf Vinnie, Vinnie is this is my nana Kourtney and papaw Simon.
They all shake hands and I say.
Y/n:Where is everyone?
Nana:Lucy and Sadie are down at the dock and your aunt and uncle will be here tomorrow. And your mom and them are just around here.
Y/n:Ok well we're gonna go put our stuff up.
I grab his hands and we grab our stuff. I take us to the bunk house and he kisses me. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
Vinnie:I love you so much
We kiss and he says.
Vinnie:So what are we doing?
Y/n:Wanna go meet my cousins?
I kiss him and he sets me down. We hold hands and I take him down to the dock. I see my cousins and I run and hug them.
Lucy:Oh my god!
I hug her and say.
Y/n:Guys there's someone I want you to meet! This is my boyfriend Vinnie!
Lucy:Oh my god hi
They shake hands.
Gabe:Hi nice to meet you!
They shake hands.
Vinnie:Yeah you too!
Lucy:Ok y/n get in the lake with us!
Y/n:Ok I have to change!
We get up to the bunk house and we unpack.
Vinnie:Ok should we wear our matching blue, pink, or black?
Vinnie:I knew you'd say that
I laugh and I close the door. I take off my shirt and he watches me.
He bites his lip.
Vinnie:You look so hot
I kiss him and unclip my bra. I take off my pants and underwear. I put on my swimsuit and say.
Y/n:Baby can you tie this?
Vinnie:Yeah hang on
He puts his trunks on and ties my top for me.
Y/n:God your tattoos look so hot on you.
Vinnie:It's gonna look even better in a couple weeks.
Vinnie:I'm getting my wife's name tattooed on my rib.
Y/n:Oh my god I love you!!
I kiss him and wrap my arms around him.
Y/n:We'll then I'm getting your name on me!
Vinnie:Where at?
Y/n:Umm my boob or idk somewhere everyone can see.
Vinnie:I'm the only one that gets to see it on your boob tho baby.
Y/n:We'll yeah. Maybe on my shoulder idk yet?
He kisses me passionately.
Vinnie:I love you so much
Y/n:My husband
Vinnie:My wife
We kiss again and I say.
Y/n:Ok let's go they probably thought that were having sex.
He laughs and I grab towels. We walk down there and I see them already in the water.
Sadie:Took you long enough
Y/n:Shut up Sadie. Lucy tell your sister to fuck off
We walk down the stairs to get in and he smacks my ass. I look at him.
Vinnie:There was a bug!
He chuckles and I slap his ass.
Vinnie:Yo fuck off!
Sadie:You guys are so cute. And your matching!
Y/n:Were always match when we swim
He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my head.
Lucy:You guys are a hot couple.
Vinnie:The sex is even hotter
Lucy:Oh god
We laugh and I say.
Y/n:I'll be back I have to go pee and grab my sunglasses. Anyone want anything to drink?
Lucy:Yeah can you bring me a sprite?
Vinnie:Diet Coke and can you get my sun glasses too?
Vinnie:Ok thanks
He kisses me and I get out and go up there.