Vinnie:Baby Y/n:Huh Vinnie:Ima go stream you coming with me? Y/n:Yeah We get up and go to his room. I sit down in his lap and he starts the stream. He takes a picture of us and posts it on his story saying he's streaming. Everyone starts joining and he had his arms around my waist. Vinnie:Hey guys I started reading the chat and everyone was asking questions Vinnie:Ok so we're gonna answer some questions. Are you guys dating? He kisses me and goes to the next question. Vinnie:How old are we? I'm 20 and y/n is 19. Y/n: Y/n how big is vinnies dick?? Oh my fucking god why do ppl want to know this stuff? Well it's big let's just say that He hides his face in my neck and I kiss his head. Vinnie:Ok next question. What's my favorite game? Probably valorant or apex. What's yours baby? Y/n:Umm fortnite or black ops or gta 5. He kisses my cheek. Vinnie:Oh!! Story time abt gta. So it came out in 2013 but in like 2015 I was 13. So I was literally going through puberty. So I had some friends- Y/n:Wait!! Ok wii sports is one of my favorite games!! Vinnie:OH YEAH Y/n:Ok sorry continue Vinnie:Ok so I was going through puberty right. And I had some friends over and we were playing gta. So we're in this strip club and all the girls like had their top off and I got a fucking boner. It was my first one ever so when I realized what happened I yelled and all my friends looked at me. And they were like what what happened?? And I pointed to my dick and they all just kinda sat there and started laughing abt it. But after they left I was the only one home and I kinda just sat in my bed and stared at it. Y/n:Wait so what did you do? Vinnie:I just let it go down. I didn't try to fix it or anything I mean I didn't know what I should do. But then a few weeks later we were at the lake and I was up in the bunk house with my two older cousins. And I was on the top bunk and they were on the bottom bunks so I just asked them what I do when I get a boner. And they just took a banana and showed me what to do. I mean they were 15 and 16 at the time. Y/n:Are you being serious?? Vinnie:Yeah I started laughing and I kissed him. Y/n:When did you all get in your first relationship? Umm I was 16 He kissed my head and hugged me. Vinnie:I had mine when I was 15. Who was your first celebrity crush and who is your current one? Umm my first one was probably like Megan Fox or Anne Hathaway. My current ones are Margot Robbie and Madelyn Cline. Y/n:I think my first one was young Ralph macchio and my current ones are Joe keery, Evan peters, and Jamie cambel bower. Have you seen American horror story? Vinnie:Yeah Y/n:Ok well your rewatching it with me Vinnie:Ok We kiss and I say. Y/n:What's our favorite movies? Ok I have like five. Black widow, IT, The Dark Knight, Karate kid and Star Wars rise of skywalker. Vinnie:Bro I love the dark knight. Ok probably like right now it would be probably be The Batman but of all time I have no clue. Y/n:Oh yeah plus Robert Pattinson is rlly hot Vinnie:Wait babe have you see twilight? Y/n:Umm did you not notice the twilight poster in my room?? Vinnie:No where is it at? Y/n:It's by my tv Vinnie:Oh maybe idk you have so many posters in your room. Everyone started asking to see the posters. Y/n:Ok keep asking questions while I pull up the posters. Vinnie:Ok what our favorite shows? Ok of all time it's The office and American horror story. Right now it's probably Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. That's anime Y/n:Oh what a surprise. I hate anime so much Vinnie:What?! Why?! Y/n:Umm cause I'm not 8 and I don't want to watch porn Vinnie:How dare you say that! Y/n:Get over it. He kisses me and I say Y/n:Ok of all time it's The office, Schitts creek, Kuwtk, stranger things, friends, Gilmore girls, American horror story and oh my god you wanna know what's so underrated on Netflix? Pretty Smart it's literally so hilarious He starts laughing and I say. Y/n:What's so funny? Vinnie:You sounded so northern when you said that. Y/n:Oh my god A/n:This happens to me all the time when my friends from like Ohio or around there come visit me or I go see them💀 Y/n:Ok I have these posters
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