Twenty six

663 8 0

Vinnie pov
I got on the plane and around ten minutes later we took off. I decided to take a nap. But as soon as I closed my eyes a fucking baby started fucking crying.
Vinnie:Oh Jesus fuck
The baby cried for abt thirty minutes and I finally fell asleep.
Y/n pov
I got ready and grabbed my purse. I grabbed my phone and keys. I went downstairs, Mya was sitting in the kitchen and we got into my car. I plugged my phone up and started playing Blackbear. I pulled out of the driveway and Mya noticed my tattoo of vinnies name.
Mya:I rlly hope you guys don't break up. I mean what would you do and then you had to get that tattoo off??
Y/n:Oh this isn't a problem. Vinnie had my name on his rib in big bold letters. I'll show you a picture when I get to a stop light.
We come to one a few minutes later and I go on my phone. I pull up the picture and give my phone to her.
Mya:Holy shit
She starts swiping on my phone.
Y/n:Ayo stop swiping I might have pictures you don't want to see
Mya:Like what?
I mentally face palm.
Y/n:Me and Vinnie have pictures of us.
Mya:Nudes. Seriously y/n?
My phone dings before I can respond.
Mya:Josh Richard's texted you.
Y/n:What did he say?
Mya:He said "hey y/n so Me, Dave and Brianna are going to be at our studio in New York. Would you want to come on for an episode just to talk abt what's happening with you, Vinnie and everything going on right now?"
Y/n:Ok text him back "hey I'd love to! I'm free Wednesdays and Fridays. Let me know what day and time works for you guys!"
Mya:Ok sent. He just responded "ok great! Would Wednesday at 12 work for you? If not we can go for earlier or later. We're free all week so if Wednesday doesn't work we can always do Friday."
Y/n:Ok say "yeah that works for me! Just send me the address."
Mya:Ok he just sent the address.
Y/n:Ok just respond saying see you then.
She nods and hands me back my phone.
Mya:I didn't know you knew Josh richards.
Y/n:Yeah I'm rlly close with him and Bryce.
We arrive at target and she gets a cart. We go to the food section. We grab everything we need and I drag her to the legos. I end up putting some in there and we check out. We put everything in the car and I say.
Y/n:Can you run into the liquor store and get me some red whine and I'll pay you back.
Mya:Yeah but you don't have to pay me back you bought all the food.
She runs in and buys them. She comes back out with it.
Mya:No problem
We go home and unload everything.  I look at the time and it's 11:30. Vinnie should be getting off the plane around 1:30. I took the wine and a glass upstairs. I plopped down on my bed and grabbed my computer. I decided to order some pictures for the house. I picked some of me and Vinnie, everyone in at the house in LA, and my family. I placed the order and I poured some of the wine. I posted a tiktok, I just posted a draft and put draft in the caption. I decided to film for my YouTube channel. I grabbed my camera and said.
Y/n:What's up guys! Welcome back to my YouTube channel! So today I decided to vlog. And I'm not in the hype house. I'm in New York cause I'm in college! And my room is so ducking empty right now. Because Vinnie got on a plane and by the time I get this uploaded he's gonna be back in LA. But I think I'm gonna get my nails done cause my first day of college is tomorrow soooooo I'm gonna do that.
I stand up and get a cramp in my leg.
I stand back up and grab my stuff. I get into my car and put in the location.

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