Teaser (or something idk)

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New York

Year: 20XX

All seemed peaceful in the night until the sound of gunshots were heard.

Ever since the death of the Spider-Man, crime rates had risen in the city of New York, with one such occasion happening right now.

A group of armed robbers had raided a jewelry store, taking as much cash and other trinkets that they could with them.

As they got in their getaway vehicle, the driver floors it, speeding out before cops arrived.

Thug 1: Damn, this is too easy! With that web-head gone, we ain't never gonna get caught!

Thug 2: Damn straight! Can't wait to hit bigger heists like a bank or something.

Above them, a red and black figure was swinging, careful not to get seen by the thugs.

The thugs then drive into an alley where another car was waiting. It was like a drug deal or something of the sort. The thugs, 5 in total, get out their vehicle with five duffel bags filled with cash and jewelry.

The other car was surrounded by three guys in matching suits, armed with assault rifles. From the car, out came another man in a suit with a cigar, seemingly the boss

Boss: So, *smokes cigar* what do you boys got for me this lovely night, huh?

Thug 3: We got a couple thousand in these bags. What do you have for us? Better be worth it.

Boss: Trust me boys, it was worth it. Berry, get the stuff.

One of the man in a suit, Berry, nods in acknowledgment, going to the trunk of the car with a duffel bag filled with weapons, way better than the small caliber pistols the thugs have.

Thug 2: Nice, now nobody is gonna mess with us.

???: You think so?

Everybody spun around, weapons drawn, checking up and down the alley to find the voice.

???: Now what do we have here? Typical weapons deal, huh?

Webs are shot at a thug, pulling him up, with the sound of punching heard above, before the body is dropped, beaten and bloody.

The thugs and suited men began firing upwards, only for the figure to dodge every single shot.

???: Wow, even Stormtroopers have better aim!

The boss man, tries to flee by driving the car away, only for a long red tendril to stab through the hood, tearing through the engine.

???: You're not getting away...

The figure lands on the ground, squating, before firing another web at Berry, pulling him towards him. Once Berry was within arms length, we was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the ground, making a small crater, and a small puddle or blood.

The figure continued to mop up the rest of the thugs and suited men. If they weren't dead, they were sure as hell close to it.

The boss man tries to make a run for it, only to be stabbed in the shoulder by the red tendril, before another stabs his other shoulder, and two more through his ankles.

Boss: Aaaargh!!! The hell?! Who are you?!

He gets slammed into a wall, making a visible outline of his body, as the figure finally makes a visual appearance before him.

Boss: N-No, can't be! You can't possibly be—

???: Spider-Man? He, I may look like him, but we ain't the same.

???: I'm the Superior Spider-Man!!!

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???: I'm the Superior Spider-Man!!!



News Reporter: We are were live on the scene of a grizzly crime scene this morning. Following last night's break in at a break-in, the perpetrators have been located due to reports of shots fired in this alleyway.

News Reporter: What we have here this morning is are what remained of the perpetrators along with small time crime boss Torchwick. Now, there is also something strange about this scene. According to police reports, webbing have been found on the scene. Could this be a new Spider-Man, and if they are, are they here to protect us, or worse? This is Mary Jane Watson from the Daily Bugle—.

A screen was shut off as a teen groans, and smirks.

???: Man, now my work is finally getting noticed. About damn time!

???: Should probably come up with a name for myself

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???: Should probably come up with a name for myself... eh, I'll think about that later...time to get ready for school.


Okay, not my best work, but I guess it works?


Anyway, I'm trying ANOTHER superhero book! Yay! As if I didn't unpublish/delete the others!

But seriously hope this one works out.]

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