A black haired teen rose from his bed after hearing his alarm blaring next to his ear. Groaning, he slams it, forcing it to stop, before looking at the time. It took a minute for the time to register in his head




These were the cries of one teen in New York. Where could he be heading? To school, obviously. Not like he had a double life going on, no no no. At least, not yet.

He was struggling to put on his shirt as he rushed out his room. After doing so, he hastily combed his hair, while running downstairs to the kitchen

???: Mom, you couldn't wake me up?!

Mom: Sorry Daniel, thought you'd need your beauty sleep. I know you kids these days stay up late, doing whatever you do.

The now named Daniel just sighs, before rushing put the front door.

Daniel: I'm heading out, try not to burn the house down again!!

Mom: *sigh* You are never gonna let that go... alright be safe kid!

Daniel rushes down the sidewalk, trying his best not to bump into anyone, and failing miserably.

Daniel: Sorry, passing through, sorry about that!

A few minutes later, Daniel was able to see his school from a distance.

Midtown High School

The place for nerds.

Daniel knew he couldn't walk through the front unless he wanted to be yelled at by the principal, so he went around back and climbed over the fence, almost ripping his jeans on them.

He tried his best to sneak through the halls and head towards the cafeteria, since lunch should be getting served still. As he suspected, it was. Sneaking trying to blend in the crowd, he grabs his lunch before walking to a table, and sitting down by his friends, Arthur and Susie

 Sneaking trying to blend in the crowd, he grabs his lunch before walking to a table, and sitting down by his friends, Arthur and Susie

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