About a week has passed since Daniel was bitten by the spider, and he was beginning to feel some differences in his body already.

At first it started out with just a runny nose, but it progressively gotten worse over the past few days. He had gotten a major migraine, with no amount of medicine or painkillers would cease the pain.

He was walking down the street by himself today, since Arthur was working and Susie had her own things going on. She also had decided to dye her hair white.

Anyway, while he was walking back from a liquor store, a man dragged him into an alley, pointing a handgun at him.

Thug: Give your money, punk!

Daniel was planning on saying something stupid, like he didn't have any money on him. That usually works. He was rudely interrupted, because the thug tried to smack Daniel with his gun.

However, to both of their surprise, Daniel quickly dodged the thugs gun.

Daniel: What the hell was that?

It was as if time itself was slowed down considerably.

The thug tried to smack him with his gun again, only for Daniel to punch him straight in his face, breaking his nose.

Thug: Ah, fuck!! Shit, you bastard! You broke my damn nose!

Daniel was stunned, but he quickly ran out of the alleyway, towards the shelter. The man wasn't going to let him get away though, so he began to chase Daniel. He noticed the man trying to catch up with him, so he knocked down  trashcans and whatnot to try and shake the thug off.

He eventually ran towards a subway entrance. It was relatively empty. This could be seen as either a good or bad thing. He entered a train that was just about to leave the station, however the thug had also gotten on the same train.

Thug: There you are punk!

Daniel felt a tingle, and he looked behind him and saw the thug closing in on him.

Daniel: Shit!

Daniel then ducked an oncoming punch from the man, and flipped around a pole, kicking the man in the jaw and knocking him over. When he was done, he found that his hands were stuck to the pole.

Daniel: The hell?!

He began to pull with all his might, but to no avail. It was as if his hands were superglued to the pole.

Daniel: Come on, come on, come on! Just! Let! Go!

The thug had gotten up to his knees, drawing a switchblade, growling.

Thug: You'll pay for that punk!

Daniel: I seriously doubt that!

He began to try and pull his hands again, this time feeling adrenaline rush through him. Finally, his hands were free, but not in the way he wanted. As the thug rushed at him, Daniel actually ripped the pole from its position and fell on his back, and accidentally hit the man on top of his head, effectively knocking him out.

Daniel then began to take deep breathes, feeling the adrenaline leave his body, and his hands let go of the pole, finally.

As soon as the train stopped, he rushed off the cart and out of the underground subway. He ran down the streets while fishing his phone out of his pocket. He began to dial Arthur's number.

Daniel: Come on, damnit! Pick up!


Arthur: Damnit, who could be calling me at this time?

He takes his phone out to see Daniel calling him

Arthur: *answers* Yeah? What do you want, Dan?

Daniel: *over phone* Hey, meet me up at Harvest, alright?! And bring Susie too! It's important! *hangs up*

Arthur: What the hell?

???: Is everything alright, son?

Arthur: Uh, y-yes, everything's alright dad. It was just Daniel calling me. He said it was something important.

Arthur's Father: *sighs* I don't understand why you hang out with that boy, he's nothing but trouble.

Arthur: .....

Arthur's Father: Well, you may go. I'll have someone come for you when I need you.

Arthur: *bows* Thanks, dad.


A little while later, both Arthur and Susie showed up at Harvest, but couldn't find Daniel.

Susie: Damnit, where could the bastard be?

Arthur: He should be here...somewhere...

Daniel: *whistles* Guys over here!

They two turn to see Daniel peaking his head in through one of the back doors and began walking towards him.

Arthur: So, spit it out. What is it?

Daniel: Alright, so I was walking from the store, and a guy tried to rob me, but I don't know how to explain it, but before he could do anything to me, its like I had insane reflexes—

Susie: Wait what?

Daniel: Hold on, let me finish. It was like a sixth sense was telling me what to do, well, not exactly telling me what to do, more like feeding ideas into my brain or something...

Daniel: Anyway, the guy chased me onto a train, and I grabbed onto one of the support poles, but I couldn't let go, no matter how hard I tried. And I also..kinda..broke it...

Arthur: What?

Daniel: Yeah, it was like my hands were glued to it or something..

Susie: So wait, what you're trying to say is that you have superpowers now?

Daniel: Huh? Well, when you put it that way...

Arthur: *chuckling* You actually think you have superpowers now?

Daniel: Shut up, man. I'm freaking out over this, okay?

Susie: Alright. So you're saying you have super strength and super reflexes. Do you want to test them out?

Daniel and Arthur: Huh?

Susie: Do you want to actually test these powers of yours so you know for sure they're real or what?

Daniel: I mean...yeah maybe?

Susie looks around the alley for something, and finds a metal pipe. She picks it up and gives it a few practice swings.

Susie: Eh, this should do good.

Daniel: For what—woah!!

Susie charged at her best friend, swinging the metal pipe with full force towards his face. Luckily for Daniel, his senses kicked in, and he quickly ducked under the attack.

Susie goes for another strike, however Daniel grabs it and effortlessly yanks the pìpe out of her hand, and threw it to the side.

Daniel: Now you believe me?

[A/N: Alright, I know i haven't been active in a long time, I mean a LONG long time. I've just been struggling with writers block, and have recently just graduated high school. Hopefully I'm able to write for you guys and myself more often, because it is something I do enjoy, even if my passion for it has dwindled recently. Don't be afraid to fall out tell me if this chapter is shit, I need all the criticism I can get to be able to write better. Peace out people]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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