A month after the death of Spider-Man, Manhattan had gotten from bad to worse. All kinds of crooks took this opportunity to rise from their holdouts and cause mayhem.

The NYPD had issued a mass exodus of the entirety of Manhattan Island. Most of the residents had fled, but a good portion couldn't make it to the bridges or subways leading out of the city, leaving them stranded

Daniel and his mom, along with his friends Arthur and Susie were able to make it out of the borough. The group, along with everyone else from Manhattan Island were forced to stay temporarily in shelters similar to F.E.A.S.T.

Right now, Daniel along with his two best friends were walking down a stret in mainland New York.

Susie: ...When do you guys think we'll be able to go back?

Arthur: As long as those psychos are running around, I don't think anytime soon.


Susie: Some other heroes had to have rounded up at least a good amount of the small time crooks, right?

Arthur: Maybe, but what about the Sinister Six? I mean, how would they handle them?

Susie: Hmmm... What do you think Dan?

Daniel: .....

Susie: Hello, Earth to Daniel?

Arthur: Hold on, I got this.

He stops in front of Daniel, before turning towards him and slapping him in the face.

Daniel: Ack!! What the hell, man?! Why'd you do that?!

Arthur: Susie was asking you a question, but you were lost in Wonderland.

Daniel: You couldn't have just, I don't know, tapped me on the shoulder?!

Susie: Anyway...what do you think?

Daniel: About what?

Susie: Do you think that the other heroes would be able to take on the so called Sinister Six?

Daniel: I don't know, maybe? Daredevil and Moon Knight, maybe. That black Spider-Man, he might be able to as well. But I'm not sure. None of them were like Spidey, ya know?

Arthur: I guess I can understand where your coming from. Daredevil and Moon Knight were seen more as vigilantes than Spider-Man and the other Spidey doesn't seem to have as much experience as Spider-Man, but could possibly have the potential to.

Susie: Wow. You two are such nerds. Anyway, you guys wanna go to the science fair coming up? Anyone's welcome. It also counts as a charity for you-know-where.

Arthur: I don't see the harm in going. Besides, it gives us something fun to do. What say you, Dan?

Daniel: Guess it couldn't hurt to go. Got nothing better to do. When is it, Susie?

Susie: It's happening in a week and a half.

Daniel: That gives us plenty of time to get ready.

Susie: Sweet. In the mean time, what do you guys wanna do now?

Daniel: We can hit up an arcade or bowling?

Arthur: Or both.

Daniel: Really?

Arthur: Yeah, that bowling place has an arcade in there.

Susie: Cool, we can do two things at once.

Daniel: Alright, King Arthur, lead your subjects to where we need to go!

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