Chapter Fourteen

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Jordan Miller


I kind of blamed Alessandro for what happened back at the club.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been living in his mansion and I wouldn't have had to go to the club.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have had to go to the club and I wouldn't have danced in front of everyone.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have danced in front of everyone and I wouldn't have had a man corner me in the ladies' room.

If I didn't have a man corner me in the ladies' room, the fate of his life wouldn't have been in my hands.

And Alessandro wouldn't have killed him.

Alessandro didn't make his death easy either. Right in front of me, as soon as I'd made my decision, he fired a shot at his leg.

I still remember the gut-wrenching scream that left his lips. Of course, Alessandro wasn't fazed as he fired another shot at his other leg. Then, he gave him the option to run. It wasn't actually an option, it was an order.

The man tried to stand up, but with both of his legs recently shot, he couldn't do much. Alessandro had ended up sighing in boredom before saying. "Well, I did give you the chance to save yourself."

And then, he shot him in the forehead.

I snapped my eyes open, relieved I wasn't back at Alessandro's office. Whenever I closed my eyes, it hunted me. I knew I'd handled a gun before, but I'd never killed anyone except for the dummies Luigi had me trained with recently.

He wanted me to be good with weapons too. Weren't they scared that I'd use it against them at the end?

But who was I kidding? They were ten times stronger and more skilled than I was. I couldn't hurt them if I tried.

I sat up on the bed and padded to the bathroom. It was almost twelve yet I hadn't left the room. It had been my routine for the past few days. I'd wake up, stay in bed for another three to four hours and freshen up when it was time for training.

After training, I'd get a bite and retreat to my room again. It was becoming a cycle, but I couldn't help it. I was sure if I looked at Alessandro, I'd see the man's lifeless eyes from the club the other day.

It took a long for me to finish showering. I was sure I was trying to scrub the guilt off of me. I put on my workout clothes and left the room, heading straight for the basement.

When I went to the gym though, it was empty. Unusually so. Luigi was supposed to be down here already and other men were meant to be working out.

Did I miss something?

Thinking of it, while I was coming down, the usual chatter wasn't present. Was the house empty? Did they leave me all alone? Did that mean I could leave now?

I was just about to turn around and go confirm if it was truly empty when I heard the door to the gym open.

I turned around as it sounded shut and met eyes with the one person I was avoiding. My breath caught in my throat. He didn't look happy at all, and I wondered if I was the cause of it.

"Good afternoon." I greeted. I never did and he knew that which was probably why he didn't answer. "Uh, where's Luigi?"

"He's excused."

"Does this mean there's no training today?"

Alessandro looked at me like I was crazy for asking that question as he undid the buttons on his shirt. "Of course not."

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