Chapter Fifty

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Jordan Miller


I was so fucking disoriented.

My eyes fluttered open slowly, heavy from being unconscious, as I tried to make sense of my whereabouts.

I was in a room and looking around, I realized it was dim and without windows. There were two doors in sight, one of which I was sure led outside the room. I sat up on the bed which I'd been laying on, wondering what the hell took place before my unconsciousness.

Did Professor Mark drug me? Why the hell would he do that? What did he want from me? I knew he wanted me, but I didn't think it was in an obsessive way that he ended up kidnapping me for his sick satisfaction.

Was anything I ever knew real? Has my life been a fucking joke from the very beginning?

Slowly but surely, I flung my legs out of the bed and stood up. Well, I tried to stand up, but I ended up stumbling back on the bed. Whatever was injected in me must've still been in my system.

What even was it?

Making sure to be more careful this time, I stood up again, walking softly, so I wouldn't alert anyone that I was awake, to the doors that were placed side by side.

I tried the one on my left first. It didn't budge; must've been locked from the outside. I tried the next one and I didn't have any problem opening it. Of course, it was an ensuite. A windowless one. There was no way to escape the room even if I tried.

I didn't know if I should risk it and try to pick the lock of the first door as there was a very high possibility there was someone on the other side of the door.

I was lost in my thoughts, contemplating when I suddenly heard the click of the door. I stepped back immediately, narrowly escaping the door and hitting my face.

I thought I was confused before. It got even worse because the person that came inside was one of the men that were in my house months ago. He was the man that came to tell me about my second debt. Was that the reason I was kidnapped?

But it was Professor Mark that drugged me and brought me here. Was he in cohorts with them? What the fuck was actually going on?

The man eyed me suspiciously at first, then smirked when he saw me backing away. His voice was the same so I was sure it was him when he said, "It's been a long time, kiddo."

"Not long enough." I retorted as my legs hit the bed, making me stumble onto it. "What are you doing here?"

"You're in my house, darling."

Every new piece of information and realization was making my head spin, I couldn't keep up. I just wanted to sleep and wake up tomorrow to find out it was all a bad dream.  At that point, I would've loved to believe it was s nightmare I was eventually going to wake up from.

"Why am I here?" I asked when I knew this was my reality and it wasn't going to end if I didn't do anything about it.

"I told you you were owing us, didn't I?"

"You didn't come back for the money!" That wasn't on me. I'd been saving up, waiting for them to come back, but they never did. I couldn't seek them out, as I did with Alessandro, because I didn't know where they came from in the first place.

"Oh, sweetheart, you're getting this all wrong." His mocking tone made me want to slap the smirk out of his face, but I was in their territory and they — whoever they were — were in control here. "It wasn't about the money, you are done paying up. You are what you owe us. You're ours."

The horror on my face was very fucking obvious. Earlier, I'd found out that I was promised to three families. Were they one of them?

"I think you're beginning to get the hang of it."

"Who are you?"

"I'm James," he introduced cheerily. "Hang tight. I'll go get boss now."

I was both eager and scared to find out who this boss was, so I didn't say anything as he retreated out of the room, locking it behind him. I flopped on the bed with a sigh. When would all these end?

For the first time since I left Alessandro's mansion, I wish he was here.

Hell, I wished I didn't leave in the first place. I wouldn't have run into Professor Mark in the first place. I probably would've been safe in Alessandro's house and two of his men wouldn't have been dead because of me.

I should've just listened when Alessandro said we were going to talk when he was back. I should've listened when those men said I couldn't go out.

Or was it because I'd lied to my friends that I was taken because of a debt my father owed? Was this karma? Was this my bad luck turning my lie into a reality?

Either way, I was in deep shit and I was certain I wasn't getting out of this easily.


I was in there alone for a while before the door opened again. Breathe held, I waited until the door was shut before turning to look at who just walked in.

I shouldn't have been surprised, but to know that Professor Mark was involved with the men who were in my house for their debt months ago was shocking, and frankly, quite alarming as well.

"Hey, Jordan. How did you sleep?" He asked, approaching me. Unlike the last time, I saw him — which was when he drugged me — he was putting on a three-piece suit; something Alessandro lived for. He looked very different, compared to what he always looked like when I saw him in class.

Speaking of class, did he quit teaching to kidnap me? Did other students know he was a crazy person that kidnapped young unsuspecting girls?

Seeing him in this new light made me cringe as I thought about all the things we did together. I kissed him. I gave him a blowjob and I didn't know who the fuck he really was.

I didn't answer him. I didn't even know if he was expecting a reply from me, but I glared at him. I felt really stupid just looking at him. I didn't know if he was playing me this whole time while having an exterior motive.

He rolled his eyes. "The Maurizio man is smart. I have to give him credit. Took a page out of my fucking book."

I didn't know what he was talking about until I saw him holding up my necklace and bracelet. Well, the remnants of them. Some of the stones were absent, some were broken.

I opened my mouth to complain. What was it about these men and destroying my gifts? Then, I reprocessed his words and my eyes went as wide as humanely possible.

He probably taped the gold necklace he bought for me. I'd always wondered how he was able to spend a lot on a gift for me with his lecturing job, but it turned out that wasn't the only job he did. Was that why Alessandro took it immediately after I reached his home? That fucking bastard. He knew my professor wasn't who I thought he was and didn't tell me about it.

Could my day get any worse?

Apparently, it could and I realized that when I asked. "Who the fuck are you?"

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