Chapter Thirty

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Jordan Miller


It was easy to convince Alexi to take me to his penthouse after that. I should've been ashamed to say I was becoming an expert at lying, but I wasn't.

I'd told him that I wasn't comfortable with so many people around and he must've detected my panic which was why he believed me without any hassle and now we were in the elevator going up to his penthouse. Phase one, done.

"You have a fear of crowds yet you came to a club?" Alexi asked curiously.

It was stupid when he said it out loud, but I had to make it work. This was harder than I expected though. "When you opened the door, it felt like all eyes were on me. It was frightening," I admitted, acting like I was still shaken up from the attention. "Thanks for getting me out of there."

I was making him feel needed because I knew this was something men like him ate up. They loved being needed and they loved playing heroes to damsels in distress. In Alexi's case, a minor in distress.

"I'd do it again, Princess."

'You would, wouldn't you?' I thought. He was playing right into my trap. Things felt too good to be true, but I continued to take advantage of him while I still could.

I leaned closer to him, standing on my tiptoes to reach his ear. "Why are these big buff men following us though?"

"Don't worry about them, doll. They're with me."

The three men in the elevator with us didn't spare me a glance even if I was sure they could hear me. "What do you need them for? They're intimidating."

Alexi laughed, wrapping a hand around my waist, and drawing me closer to his side. "That's their job."

I frowned like I didn't understand what he meant by that. "Who are you, James?"

He peered down at me, noticing my frown with a splash of curiosity, and made the stupidest decision just because he didn't have plans of telling me who he really was.

He stopped the elevator on a random floor and when everyone stared at him weirdly, he nodded at the open doors of the elevator. "You're dismissed."

The men didn't even question his sudden orders as they all exited the lift, leaving me alone with him. I blinked at him, surprised. I didn't expect that to do the trick. I was planning on feigning a stupid story of how I wasn't comfortable around many men since I grew up around only females.

"Pussy whipped."

I coughed to conceal my laugh. Alessandro needed to quit with his stupid remarks in my ear except he needed me to crash and burn the mission. "You sent them away?"

We were alone, so I guess Alexi thought it was okay to finally make a move. He backed me up against the wall, his face hovering close to mine. "Anything to make you comfortable, doll," he told me, tracing my bottom lip with his thumb and pulling it a bit, just like Alessandro usually did. "You're enchanting, Luna doll."

His breath was a mix of cigarettes and mint and I blinked again, taken by surprise by his sudden move. To him, I was probably stunned and in a state of shock, and the way he was looking at me right now suggested that he wanted to do very bad things to me.

"We're here."

The doors slid open again and Alexi took my hand in his as he led me straight into the penthouse.

Immediately we were inside, he turned around to cup my face in his hand. "I want to kiss you."

For a second, I panicked. Was I supposed to allow him to kiss me? But that was why we came up here, wasn't it? Then I began wondering how long it would take Alessandro to get up here now that he knew that Alexi had called off his guards.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what would happen if I refused him. Would he force me? Or would he send me back down? Either way, all my efforts would be meaningless if I didn't.

I recalled Alessandro's question. 'Would you fuck your targets if the need be?' I'd said no, but this was just kissing, wasn't it?

Without thinking too much about it, I raised my legs a bit and placed my lips on his. He reacted immediately. He lifted my legs, making me wrap them around his waist and one of his hands settled under my ass while the other one was still on my cheek. The kiss was anything but gentle. It was rough and filled with lust. I was praying in my mind. With the way things seemed, it wouldn't be long before Alexi took me to his bed.

"Are you kissing him? Fuck, I'm on my way."

That assured me a bit. At least, I knew Alexi wouldn't get too far.

Just as I expected, he carried me up to his bedroom, never breaking the kiss while I thought hard in my head. If Alessandro didn't come on time, I'd have to come up with something to stop. Fuck, why didn't I think of this part?

He lowered me on the bed gently, hovering above me immediately after. As I took a deep breath, he went for kissing my neck and unbuttoning my shirt further. It took seconds for him to finish undoing all the buttons and he went for removing my skirt. This man didn't have any patience.

'Think fast, Jordan!'

I didn't have to think fast because as soon as I felt him nibble on my earlobe, he froze.


He pulled away from me slightly, wrapping his hand around my throat. "Is that a fucking earpiece?"

"Shit." I heard my boss's voice as he fastened his footsteps. I could tell he was running at that point.

I didn't have an answer for him. Well, I did, but I didn't have an answer I could give him, because it was an earpiece.

"I should've known you seemed suspicious." He gritted his teeth with a curse. "Who are you and who do you work for?"


Alexi had done a complete one-eighty. He applied pressure on my neck, making me cough as I tried to extract his hand from my neck. His eyes were an abyss of unadulterated rage. He probably didn't like being played.

What I didn't expect was for him to backhand me, his hand on my neck not letting up. He was strangling me. That was when the real panic started. Alessandro had told me that he could kill me with one slip-up, but I didn't have any weapon on me because my skirt was too short for me to attach a knife to my thigh.

"Who the fuck do you work for?"

My eyes were beginning to droop close, but I couldn't answer him. I couldn't even speak! I touched blindly behind me and just as I felt something hard, I felt Alexi being pulled away from me.

Leo now had Alexi in his grasp and I scrambled away from the bed. When Alessandro said it was dangerous, I didn't think it would be this scary. I was intending to run away from the room completely, but when I ran into someone and realized it was Alessandro, I wrapped my arms around him without second thoughts.

My body was shaking with fear and my breathing was accelerated. Alexi probably had intentions to kill me and I didn't know what would've happened had they not come in on time.

I could hear Alexi in the distance but I refused to look at him. Instead, I focused on Alessandro's arms around me, one of his hands rubbing up and down my back. "Mi dispiace piccola. Sono veramente dispiaciuto. I shouldn't have sent you here." (I'm sorry, baby. I'm so so sorry.)

I didn't reply to him. I could form words. I was still in shock. How did we go from Alexi telling me he'd do anything to make me comfortable to him strangling me?

"Perdonami." He breathed out, tightening his hold against me.

My cheek was throbbing, my neck was aching, and my eyes were dizzy and for the first time, I was happy that Alessandro had no remorse when it came to killing.

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