Chapter fifty nine

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Jordan Miller


Maya was caught off guard and I could see the conflict on her face as she tried to make a decision.

I stared at her pointedly, waiting for a reply, but she looked to Vince instead, as though asking for permission.

"I don't know where to go," I added.

Vince released a sigh, then nodded his head. Maya did not look happy about his approval, but she didn't have a choice. Her tongue poked the inside of her cheek as she stood up slowly as if trying to prolong the inevitable.

"I'll show you," she said quietly and started walking off. I didn't waste any time following.

I tried not to think about how suspicious Maya was acting as I tried to keep up with her steps, not even bothering to take note of my surroundings.

We eventually reached a door that she opened and gestured for me to go inside. I did, but as she was about to leave, I took a hold of her wrist, effectively stopping her. She kept her eyes on the ground.

"Maya," I called out and I could see her battling with herself. I dragged her in with me and locked the door. She opened her mouth to protest, but I beat her to it. "We're not leaving this place until you tell me why you're acting strange."

"Me? Strange?" She laughed nervously. "Whatever do you mean?"

I shot her a pointed look.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about."

I sighed heavily. She didn't seem like she was going to budge. "I was looking forward to seeing you," I admitted as I ran a sponge under the tap, dabbing it against my clothing. "I thought when we finally met, we'd come up with a plan to leave this place."

"Leave?" She half whispered. "Are you crazy? Have you seen the number of men in this house?"

"No, I have not," I replied with furrowed eyebrows. "And why do you sound so appalled by leaving? Do you not want to leave?"

"What?" She laughed again, just as nervous as before. "I didn't say that."

I looked down at my top. The stain wasn't coming off. I'd just have to change. "You do realize you're acting weird, right? Or do you work with Vince now?" I asked the dreaded question.

Her eyes went wide and for the first few seconds, all she did was blink at me. I arched an eyebrow at her, awaiting her reply. "Why would you say something like that? I'd never betray Alessandro after all he has done for me."


"Yeah, of course."

I shook my head in disbelief, staring straight at her. "You're a shit liar, Maya, and that's the worst trait to have in the mafia."

She stared at me as well, and soon, we found ourselves in a staring contest. She chewed on her lip, as if contemplating something, then she threw her hands in defeat. "Fine!"

I was suspecting it, but I was sincerely surprised when she admitted to it because deep down, I didn't want it to be true. I took a deep breath as I tried to make sense of it. "You…" I trailed off, not wanting to finish that sentence, but I wanted to know; I needed to know. "All these while, you've been pretending? You're a mole?"

I took a good look at her. She didn't look like someone who had been kept prisoner here. Hell, she was even eating with them at the table. That was the first time I was allowed to sit there and that was only because Romano believed he was in love with me.

"You're secretly with the Lucianos," I stated, getting angry at the realization. Alessandro left Italy in a jiffy because he heard she had been taken, only to find out that she had been working with them for a while.

"No, Jordan—"

"No?" I interrupted. "How were you kidnapped then? Did you or did you not bring yourself to this place?"

"I did, but—"

"But what, huh? But you're not the snake I think you are?"

"Will you just shut up and let me talk?" She finally snapped. I wasn't fazed because I was just as angry. I didn't care if the men outside could hear us. I didn't give a shit about any other thing at the moment.

"Well, talk." I prompted, folding my hands as I waited for an explanation from her.

She opened her mouth to speak but closed it back. She sighed and stared at the ground as she struggled to get the words out. And before I knew it, she was sniffling.

My eyes went wide. Was she about to… cry? I shifted on my feet uncomfortably. I didn't know how to handle crying women. Especially when they weren't my friends; especially when they were a possible threat to me and a man I cared about.

Yes, I admitted it. I cared about Alessandro. I possibly had feelings for him because for some stupid reason, after all he had done, I still wanted to see him; to see for myself that he was still okay. Romano could be lying to me for all I knew.

I thought about him a lot; a little too much if I was being honest with myself. It was like my brain had erased the part where he only brought me to his house because I was affiliated with the Lucianos.

I watched as a traitorous tear escaped Maya's face and I muttered an incoherent, "help me, God," before I approached her. "Are you okay?"

"He took my grandma."

I took a step back. "What?"

"Vince took my grandma," she clarified. "And then, he threatened her life, saying he'd end it if I didn't do what he asked of me and I had no choice. I had no fucking choice, Jordan!" Maya cried out, being careful enough to keep her voice down.

"Why didn't you just tell Alessandro?"

"It was too risky. It is too risky. Vince is crazy, you know that. He won't hesitate to pull the trigger on her with any slight disrespect."

"Okay, so where is she?"

"I— I don't know, but I don't think she's in the mansion. He keeps me blindfolded and takes me to go see her every three days if I'm good, so I have to do his bidding." She explained. "At first, the plan was that he would take me and draw Alessandro in. He was supposed to let me go, but he didn't."

"I'm sorry about your grandma. What are you going to do about it?"

She shrugged. "Wait, I guess, and see what happens."

"So no crazy plan then?"

"None," she wiped her eyes. "And Vince or Romano should not know about this conversation."

I bit my lip. "Noted."

And then, she was opening the door and going outside. As expected, I followed suit.

When we reached the table, all eyes were on us, but we acted natural as we took our seats. A new meal had been placed where my old one was. No one said anything as we started eating, but the silence was deafening. It felt like they somehow heard our conversation. It was uncomfortable.

"You guys took an awfully long time in there," Vince commented casually.

I paused. "Well, cleaning off pasta can be pretty hard."

"And somehow, it's still not off you yet."

I looked down at myself. Oh. I hadn't really paid attention to cleaning it off. I shrugged nonchalantly. "Very very hard."

Some of the men chuckled at my statement, even Romano. Vince was not amused. He turned to his brother. "Vlad called."

I didn't know who Vlad was and what his relation to the Lucianos was but Romano was shocked. "Vlad? As in Vladimir?" Vince nodded. "What did he want?"

"He wanted his girl." He answered, looking directly at me. I didn't like the feeling I got.

"What girl?"

"Jordan, of course," Vince said, a bit of excitement in his tone. "Apparently, her father also promised her to him." He didn't stop looking at me as he said, "and he wants what belongs to him."

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