Chapter Sixty

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Jordan Miller


I hadn't tried to escape, which meant Romano was trusting me with my freedom a little more each day.

I was allowed to walk around the house, which meant I made use of the opportunity to memorize the layout, but I was careful not to cross paths with Vince. That man wouldn't think twice about putting a bullet between my eyes.

I was even more friendly with Romano. I let him hold me while we slept, but he hadn't tried to go any further. I was grateful for that.

Almost every day, they had a meeting of some sort. I was certain they were planning something, but I didn't know what. It was incredibly frustrating. The only thing I had was a key and a map of the house in my memory and they were proving to be useless.

I wanted to talk to Maya again. She wasn't keen on escaping the last time we did, but she had been here longer than I'd been and she was sort of close to Vince when it came to proximity, so she could be of great help.

I was walking past the hallway when a door suddenly opened, startling me. I stayed back and watched as Vince, Romano, and three other guys came out of a room.

"We don't have much time," Romano said as they started walking away. I walked stealthily behind them.

"I know. Two more days and we're out of this place." Vince replied to him and they all dispersed in different directions.

Two days? Were they planning on doing something tomorrow? Fuck, I knew I didn't have time, but I didn't think I'd have to do something on such short notice.

If they were planning on leaving in two days, it only meant they had some huge plan set in place. I needed to warn Alessandro somehow. I stopped short.


I didn't know what it was with him. I didn't know why I still cared about him. If he felt the same way, surely, he would've come for me, no? He even tried to find Maya, but not me. Was I that insignificant?

I'd tried to stop myself from thinking about that asshole of a man, but it was fucking impossible. I needed him to be safe, even if it was for my own sanity because I didn't think I'd be at peace if he wasn't okay.

I noticed Romano starting to go down the stairs and I resumed walking, increasing my pace to meet up with him.

"Hey, wait up," I called out when his strides became longer.

He halted, looking quite surprised. "Oh, Jordan hey."


"Where are you headed?" He asked as we descended the stairs.

"Nowhere in particular," I waved off. "I was just walking past and I heard y'all saying something about two days. We're finally leaving the city?"

I was testing my luck. This could go in two ways. It could lead to him revealing something about tomorrow or it could lead to him suspecting me. Well, that was what I'd thought. Instead, he said, "Yes, baby. Hopefully. All you have to do is sit pretty and listen to everything I say, okay?"

I bit my lip. "Okay." He nodded in satisfaction, but I couldn't just let him go like that. I needed something useful. "And what might that be?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it. You'll know when the time comes."

I sighed inwardly. He wasn't revealing anything even with how enthusiastic he seemed. There was a certain bounce to his steps and it was as though he was in a good mood. It reminded me of the days I still knew him as Professor Mark. Those were the times when my life was still going great. I didn't know I'd get into this huge mess. I didn't know my father used to be that much of a cunt.

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