Chapter 33

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Y/n's POV

After papa finished introducing us to Melissa, she started asking papa about his quirk. "What kind of quirk do you have?" Melissa asked. 

"I have a power type." Papa said. Papa was getting nervous about how close she was getting to him. "The costume design is cool, though it's a simplistic design. I don't see any support items either." Melissa said, walking around papa. She gasped a little when she saw papa's scar covered hand. "It looks like you should upgrade some of your gear though." Melissa said. All Might cleared his throat before looking at Melissa. "Shall we get going, Melissa?" All Might asked.

"Sorry, I got distracted. I would like to ask you about your quirk though Y/n." Melissa said, turning back to face me. I smiled and nodded. "If we hurry we should be able to surprise papa in his lab. It's right over here, uncle Might." Melissa said. We quickly followed her heading towards a tower that was super tall. We walked inside and entered an elevator heading up to one of the upper floors. We got off and headed towards a room before Melissa stopped us. "Wait here for just a minute." Melissa whispered. Everyone nodded before she opened the door and I heard two other people talking. "I am my father's daughter, for better and for worse." Melissa said. 

"Melissa, hey!" Someone said. 

"Hello, miss, it's great to see you." Someone else said.

"Aw, right back at you Sam. Thanks for taking care of papa since he does nothing but work constantly." Melissa said.

"Come on, I'm not that bad. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Someone said.

"Oh you'll see, since you completed the first stage of your research. I invited someone here to celebrate with us." Melissa said. 

"Who would that be?" The person asked.

"A person you dearly love." Melissa said.

"Yes! I am here! Shaking with emotion for our heartfelt reunion!" All Might shouted, posing as he entered the room.

"All Might?" The person asked. I looked at papa before pointing to the person that almost said All Might's real name. "Who's that papa?" I asked.

"That's David Shield, he's a genious when it comes to designing support gear. He's also the one who designed all of All Might's costumes over the years." Papa said. He was freaking out a little bit as he looked at him. "Young Midoriya, Y/n. Let me introduce to someone incredible. David Shield." All Might said. 

"I know him. Professor David Shield! A top scientist in the research world who won a nobel quirk prize. He was also All Might's partner when he lived in America. He's a genius when it comes to costumes! He's the inventor who created all of your iconic looks! I never thought I'd get to meet him in real life." Papa shouted, before walking up to him. Melissa just giggled while I walked up and stood next to her. "I'm sorry about papa." I said.

"It's fine, if anything it just shows his apprecation of heroes." Melissa said. I smiled and nodded. "It seems like I don't need to introduce myself." David said.

"Oh I'm sorry." Papa apologized.

"No, don't apologize." David said. I heard All Might cough before David's expression changed. "Hey so, it's been a long time. Can the two of you give All Might and me some time to catch up?" David asked.

"Of course." Papa said.

"Melissa. Why don't you take our new friends on a tour of the expo." David suggested.

"Sure, I'd love to. Plus I need to hear about this little cutie's quirk." Melissa said, patting me on the head.

"Are you sure you're not busy?" Papa asked.

"No, I'm honored to show off all the hard work we do here." Melissa said.

"Thanks." I said. She smiled at me before taking my hand and leading me and papa out fo the room. We started making our way out of the tower before Melissa spoke up. "So what should I call you two? Your real names or do you have hero names?" Melissa asked.

"You can call me Deku and this is Y/n or Trix, which is her hero name." Papa said.

"Deku? That's a strange nickname. I like Trix though, you two can just call me Melissa." Melissa said. We started walking around the expo with Melissa sshowing off everything that they've created recently. "So Y/n, what's your quirk?" Melissa asked. 

"I call it Kitsune. It gave me my tail and ears, allows me to change into a small or big fox, and I can create small fire wisps that I can control." I said. 

"That's really unique. I don't think I've ever heard of a quirk that has multiple attributes." Melissa said.

"Yeah, but papa's tested everything I can do with my quirk and those are all the things we currently know about." I said.

"I see, well I'd love to hear about it some more but we should keep moving around the expo." Melissa said. We nodded and followed her around talking about the island and what they do here before seeing a bunch of pro heroes walking around just talking and greeting people. "Pro heroes are flown out here during I-Expo to show off some of the gear and sign autographs. Most of them will also be at a big party tonight." Melissa said.

"Is that why All Might told us to bring some nice clothes?" I asked.

"Probably, although I wish we had a bit more time to find something that worked for you." Papa said. 

"Why don't we stop at one of the shopping areas and find something that would suit her?" Melissa suggested.

"That sounds great, but we were headed to the expo first so I think we should do that." Papa said.

"Alright, let's head to where they're showing everything that we've created." Melissa said. We headed into the expo and started looking at the new hero gadets that were made. She explained each one and what it did. "Just so you know each of these items were made using different things that papa patented." Melissa said. 

"I bet you're proud of him." I said. 

"Yeah, each of these supports items will help heroes across the world. Who knows how many people will be saved with all of these support items." Melissa said. 

"It's great that you can look up to your dad so much." Papa said.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'm the only one who looks up to a father figure." Melissa said. 

"Who are you talking about?" Papa asked.

"Trix. She's the only one here that has as much admiration for a father like I do." Melissa said, patting my head again.

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