2. Failure To Execute

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The darkness of the night proved to be sufficient cover for him. At least that's what he thought.

Confident that she wasn't on to him, he followed her, staying at a reasonable distance. He matched her pace, slowing and speeding up as she did. His strides were confident yet stealthy as he blended into the night. Although the place was still and no wind blew, he was able to smell the scent of her perfume, using it to follow her. His hands were in the pocket of his black leather jacket. His shirt was wrinkled, drops of blood soaking through the cotton-polyester blend – staining it. This wasn't the first shirt he had to get rid of because of bloodstains, but it was his favorite. There was no use crying over spilled milk he reasoned. Besides, his boss promised him a handsome payout if he successfully carries out his task. This was going to be his last mission for the week. After which he'd take his payout and get out of the city. Things were getting messier each day, the war growing more out of control by the minute. Now was the time to get out. Waiting any longer would put him into a position he didn't want to be in.


Arrow Berlin subtly glances over her shoulder, feigning a sidearm stretch. He was still behind her, keeping up with her easily. Her ponytail of dark curls bounces slightly as she jogs along the pavement. It'd been thirty minutes since she'd left the public gym - loudly announcing to her friends that she'd be going on a jog around the block before driving home. It wasn't uncommon for the gym members to do such a thing as the small establishment had few treadmills available for its patrons. The members were also known for their late-night runs and workouts as the gym itself closed in the late hours of the night. Arrow followed the usual jogger's path for a few minutes before straying with a series of random turns. The man following her hadn't noticed this, though. Maybe if he was less cocky and paid attention, he'd wonder why this lone girl was straying from all the public streets on her night jog.

Arrow didn't mind much though – made carrying out her mission much easier. Spotting the sign that read Limington Street, she speeds up her jog – this was her exit. She maintains a brisk pace before speeding up some more, turning the corner sharply. Effectively disappearing from the man's sight. Him now needing to run to catch up to her, not foreseeing her abrupt turn.

Arrow runs a little farther into the street before ducking behind a line of trash cans. Crouching on one knee she uses the lack of light to conceal her position. Her hands dart to the pocket of her workout hoodie, grabbing the travel-size spray bottle that was there. Retrieving the bottle, she hurriedly sprays its contents over her clothes and skin – stopping when she hears the man's footsteps quickly approaching.

Placing the bottle down gingerly beside her, she slips her hand under her jacket - her movement slow and calculated, careful not to jostle the fabric of her clothing. Her fingertips find their mark, brushing against the cool handle of the knife strapped to her belt. She wraps her hand securely around it, watching as the man runs a little ways past her position – about three steps ahead of her. He stops in the center of the street, looking around in confusion. Her scent was gone, and she was out of sight. He'd lost her trail.

Lifting his head to the sky, he sniffs deeply – the sound traveling throughout the empty street. He turns his head slightly to his left, preparing to sniff the air again. Seeing her window of opportunity, Arrow darts out from her hiding space. She moves with ease, her years of training evident in her stealthy advance. She takes two large purposeful strides toward the man, pulling the knife from its holster as she moved. Sensing her presence, the man turns around – but it was too late now. Without so much as a grunt, Arrow jumps onto the man, bringing the knife to his throat in one swift motion. Her knife immediately finds itself embedded into the man's neck, down to its hilt.

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