83. The Hunt Is On Pt. 2

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The world was sharp around him as he sped toward Clearmeadow. Not letting up on the gas as his clawed hands steered them around corners - the tires screaming in protest each time. There were no stars in the night, thick dark clouds blocking them from view. The moon itself was hidden behind them.

"Nothing at this location, either. It's got to be Clearmeadow." He hears Avery say to Dalton over the phone. "We'll check the remaining two. I'll let Yara and Clayton take on them. But my money is on Clearmeadow. I'll call back when we're finished with the house. And guys, be careful.

"Breathe, J. It ain't a night for shifting." Dalton says to him softly, watching him wearily.



Yara walks through the empty hallway, gun in her hand; her finger hovering over the trigger. Clayton walks ahead of her, leading the way with a gun if his own. Coming upon the last door at the end of the hall, the two stand on either side of its entrance. Grabbing the knob, Yara Noda to Clayton, signaling him to be ready. Getting a nod in return, she flings the door open harshly, Clayton entering with his gun raised. She follows in after him, finding an empty bedroom.

"That's the last room. She isn't here. Let's get out of here fast." Yara says to her fiancé. Clayton nods, and the two swiftly make their way back to Clayton's truck. "She's got to be Clearmeadow. Call Jensen and let him know we got nothing at this location." He says to Yara.

"Yeah, on it."

"Shit! We got company." Clayton says, pausing. He and Yara watching the headlight of a car slowly approach them, stopping in the driveway of the home. "We must've tripped something. That or they've caught onto the other break-ins."

"If Kennedy knows we're on his trail, he might move her. Somewhere that's not connected to him!" Yara comments, clutching the gun in her hand firmer. "Here they come...How are we going to play this?"

"Lie low and sneak out," Clayton whispers, pulling her back into the hall, toward the supply closet.

The loud band of the front door being kicked open roughly echoes throughout as Yara gently shuts the door behind them.

With yellow eyes, Clayton grips the knob of the door, keeping it shut as they couldn't lock it from the inside. They stand still as footsteps march throughout the house, at least five of them, by Yara's guess.

"CLEAR!" A male voice shouts.

"CLEAR!" Another voice follows.

"Clear here too. Must have missed them." A third says. "Any response from Quinn yet?" The male goes on. "I thought she said she'd be calling with a different directive."

One man huffed in response, "Man, even if she did, were we going to listen to her? Our orders came from Kenney's son. This is his mess. Quinn thinks she has a lot more power than she does." He chuckles.

"Anyway, this house is obviously empty, nothing out of place. Don't bother with the basement. It seems we made it here before them." Another start.

"Or maybe this house isn't even on the radar for this mysterious group of burglars." One of the men says mockingly. "Boss didn't when say what they were after..."

"Who knows," One says dismissively, "We either beat them here or we just missed them. What's the plan V?"

"Let's head to the other location and get this over with. I've canceled a date for this!" He grumbles, the footsteps exiting the home.

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