27. So, What Now

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Sitting in her car, in front of the firehouse, Naomi lets out a long sigh. "I'm not ready for the day," She says out loud, leaning her head against the headrest. She sits there for a couple more minutes before reluctantly exiting her car.

Inside, Naomi greets everyone as she heads to her locker. She talks to Avery and Steff, a female firefighter, before she goes off to find her brother. Walking into his little space, she spots him at his desk. Wrapping her hands around him, she rests her head on top of his, peering over him.

"This the restaurant fire?" She asks as she looks at the pictures he had spread out before him.

"Yeah. Helping out with the investigation. Was able to find the point of origin with Frazer, we also identified the accelerant they used. The manager said she knows for sure who was behind it. Problem is, that guy isn't even in the city at the moment," Kai answers.

"Got someone to do his dirty work for him, won't be the first," Naomi comments.

"Seems that way," Kai responds. "The fire completely destroyed the place, just look at these," He says as he spreads out more pictures.

"Did they consider the fact that it might not be him? Or anyone working for him," Naomi comments.

"She seems pretty sure it's this person," Kai answers.

"What's their trouble with the guy? Why he'd burn the place?" Naomi asks curiously.

"Oh, it's a story!" Kai exclaims. "So, the manager's fiancé's cousin got mixed up with the guy, dragged her and the fiancé into some sketchy shit. And then, they get mad at her, the manager, when she and the fiancé pulled out of whatever. Apparently, this guy...he's not good at taking no for an answer. So, there's some drama between all of them. It's got so bad the cousin had to leave the city. So the manager, now, thinks that the guy is doubling down on her since the cousin left and they all pissed him off," Kai answers, leaning back in his chair.

The blaring of the overhead speaker catches their attention. "Battalion 25, Engine 21, Truck 61, Squad 6, Ambulance 31. Vehicle accident. The intersection of Jarl and Shamert Street."

Kai and Naomi run out of the office and into their respective vehicles. They drive out, the ambulance following behind Truck as they speed to the scene.

Pulling up, Naomi sees that a bus had run straight into a bus shelter, a large crowd gathering around the scene.  As they hop out of the truck, a blonde woman who seems to be in her late fifties comes running up to them. "I saw everything! That car over there ran the light! The bus swerved and lost control, driving straight into the shed. That lady over there! She caused all this!" The woman says to them.

Kai orders the lady to step aside as their chief begins delegating tasks.
Looking at the scene, Naomi's hand goes to her radio. "31 to Main. Let's get an EMS Plan One. Set up the staging area at the intersection of Jarl and Shamert."

Turning to Avery, she points to the lady the blonde woman had pointed out earlier. "I'm going to check on her real quick, you get started with the bus victims," She says to her partner. Naomi takes off, jogging to the woman.

"Ma'am," She calls out as she reaches the lady. She was visibly distraught, watching the scene with a look of horror on her face.

"I didn't mean for all this! I got distracted! I hadn't realized the light wasn't green anymore. There was a group, all on motorcycles. They were doing crazy tricks and stunts on the bikes, and I found myself watching them - Then there's a horn and the bus swerving. I stepped on the breaks but I was already too far into the wrong lane. The bus swerved and flew into the shed," She begins confessing through panicked cries.

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