9. Anonymous Tips

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The natural light from the sun outside did not reach the large rooms of the library. Instead, the two-level building was laminated by hanging lights along with some attached to the walls. The carpet of the building was a thick navy blue that covered every bit of the original hardwood floors. The smells of antique books filled the atmosphere – Many books remained untouched, collecting layers of dust. The vague sounds of indistinguishable chatter filled the room as diverse groups gathered at the various tables. Other than the whispers of conversations, the constant taps of keyboards filled the room along with the oddly rhythmic sound of the librarian stamping books. The occasional flick of a page joins the soft sounds.

Naomi warily steps into the building, glancing around nervously as she enters. Her steps were hesitant as she traipsed further in. Pulling out the piece of paper from her pocket, she reads the note again. With a sigh of uncertainty, she heads to the table the note instructed. Whilst leaving shift, Naomi came across a note on her car.

The note told her that she'd been lied to. The unexplainable parts of her attack weren't hallucinations and the doctors were covering things up. After much deliberation, Naomi found herself pulling up to the location the note gave. She wanted answers. She walks to the before-mentioned table, spotting a man already sitting there.

"Are you the person I'm waiting for?" The man asks her as she stood by the table.

"Um, you tell me. Didn't you send the note?" She asks in return.

The man looks confused pulling a note from his pocket. Showing it to her, Naomi seeing it was similar to hers. She hands him hers, the two reading the details of each other's note. The man's own was similar, telling him that the case he'd just closed had been tampered with in so many ways – The truth was being covered up.

"Case?" Naomi asks out loud, taking a seat as she tries to process everything. "Yeah. I'm a detective. My name's Calvin, nice to meet you I guess." He says to her. "And yours, you were attacked?" He asks.

"Yeah, on one of my night shifts. I'm a paramedic with firehouse 70. My name's Naomi by the way."

"So maybe the person who sent us the notes isn't here yet," Calvin begins. "Or there's the possibility we're waiting on more people like us."

The two sit in silence as they wait, awkwardly avoiding eye contact with each other. Just as Naomi was getting the urge to call it quits, a teenage girl walks up to their table.

"Hi, some guy at the door wanted me to drop this to you guys. He said he was in a rush and couldn't come in," She says placing two folders on the table. With that she walks away, returning to her friends.

Naomi and Calvin watch each other before staring at the two folders that had their names printed on the front of each.

"I guess we find out the truth now," Naomi says anxiously picking up the folder with her name.



In her office Yara taps away on her calculator, scribbling figures into company finance books. They hadn't gotten any useful information from the man, in the end opting to get rid of him before he complicated matters more. She'd left Clayton to handle things at the cabin as she had to return to work. A knock sounds from her door, breaking her concentration. With a sigh, she shouts an 'Enter' to whoever was on the other side of the door she waits impatiently for someone to walk through but no one does. With an annoyed growl, she gets up and walks to the door, stopping mid-stride at the center of her office. Using her supernatural hearing, she listens intently. Hearing nothing on the other side of the door, she approaches it slowly, sniffing as she goes. Determining that there wasn't any danger on the other side of her door, she opens it – Finding an envelope on the floor.

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