34. The Night Continues

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Arrow Berlin

Arrow paces the length of her living room, stepping over pieces of broken furniture as she mumbles a string of profanities. She looks at the two large pools of blood that'd soaked into her favorite dark purple carpet as she struggled to find a solution to her predicament. 

She had two bodies to get rid of. In the past, she'd never had to worry about such a matter. The organization always takes care of cleanups, whether it is for a mission or not. But tonight, cleanup was Arrow's problem as she didn't have the luxury of calling the organization for assistance. Calling would lead to her uncle finding out what had happened, and she didn't want that.

Arrow knew her uncle. She knew that Elmann would see this as an opportunity for himself. Either using it as a debt to hang over her head or to get something he wanted from her. Either way, she couldn't let any of those things happen. The organization was not an option. She wasn't that desperate.

"How on earth am I going to move two bodies on my own?" She wonders out loud to herself, still pacing. 

"Damn you, Bell!" She shouts out in frustration as she tries to determine the best course of action to take. She looks at the siblings - Bell's reverted human form riddled with bullet wounds and Beau, whose neck was ripped open. As she studies them, their father comes to her mind. "Do I call Mr. Valentine?" She continues speaking out loud to herself. "What would I even say to the man? Hey, both your kids are dead in my living room. Come for their bodies?! yeah! Cause that'll go over well!" She ends her rant with a sigh. "But, he needs to know what happened to his kids."

Going for her phone, she scrolls through her contacts - Finger hovering over Mr. Valentine's. "It has to be done. He needs to know," She says to herself before pressing the call icon. She listens anxiously to the ringing as she waits for him to answer. "You've reached my voicemail. You know what to do!" 

"Dammit!" Arrow mumbles as she ends the call. She tries another four times before giving up. 

Staring at the phone in her hand, she wished she knew Ezra's number. Sure, there'd be a dozen questions, but she figured he'd still help her.

A knock at the door has her freezin mid pace. "TCPD! OPEN UP!" A voice shouts.

"What! No no no no! Dammit!" Arrow hisses out In a panic. This was possibly the worst night of her life. Completely out of her depth with the odds stacked against her.

Moving as quickly and quietly as she can, Arrow runs over to her couch - dragging the piece of furniture over her carpeted floor. As she does, more knock sound at her door, the officer calling out once more.

"Coming! Coming!" Arrow yells back as she positions the couch in front of the Valentines' bodies. Taking her black weighted blanket of it, she draped it over them - Effectively hiding them from view. As long as they stayed outside, she'd be fine. Picking up the discarded guns, she chucks it near the bodies.

Going over to her loveseat, she begins pushing it to the center of the room in an attempt to hide most of her broken center table from view. Her living room was in total disarray, but Arrow figures that as long as she keeps the officers at the door, she could pull this off.

Giving the room a quick one over, she rushes to answer the door.

Opening it slightly, she peeps through at the officers before her. "Can I help you?" She asks timidly.

"Goodnight, Ma'am.  We received reports of gunshots -"

"Gunshots?!" Arrow exclaims in surprise, cutting off the officer.

"Yes, gunshots. We're here to investigate," the officer replies.

"Officers, I can assure you those sounds didn't come from my house. That's - " Arrow begins but stops short when the sound of whining catches her attention. Noticing a third officer with two K-9s approaching them quickly - The dogs tugging against their leashes.
The officer looks back at him and the dog, the two sharing a nod before he returns his attention to Arrow.

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