99. Each Other's Downfall

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It started as a peaceful late night at the organization. Jerald, his siblings, and their dad sat in his office, reviewing their plans. With their dad as mayor now, many new horizons were open to them.

Jerald was as ambitious as their father, wanting to take the lead on many of their new opportunities. He loved the feeling of power and control and wanted to be mayor one day as well. To have the city in his hands.

Their attack on the Lycan population was their biggest accomplishment. They'd taken hunting to a new level, and with that came more control.

Just as Jerald took a sip of his beer, the first howl broke the silence of the night. He'd rolled his eyes, not paying it any thought. His men on the ground would handle it, he was sure. Then another joined the first, and another joined that one. Soon, it was a loud symphony of howls that surrounded the building.

They were alert, not Josh running to the computer to pull up the security footage. Jerald felt his blood run cold as he looked at the screen.

"THE AUDACITY OF THESE DAMNED MUTTS!" Their father yells as loud bangs sound thought out.

"Stupid creatures. So they think they'll get through the first couple of doors. How many charges have they brought? The time it takes to set them, they'll be dead," Josie scuffs.

"They know the code," Jerald murmurs in shock.

"WHAT?!" Josie screeches, rushing to see the footage beside her brother. Watching a Lycan in his human form input the code on the keypad, the door opening for them. The Lycans began to shift, running into the halls and attacking everyone in sight. Those who remained in human form walked with guns, entering the codes on the other doors.

"How? How is this possible?!" Luke screams, watching as his hunters try to fight against the wave of Lycans.

"That's how," Josie says, pointing to the screen, her finger hovering above a single person.

"YOU STUPID, STUPID BOY! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Their father bellows at Josh. Josh didn't look at his father, his eyes glued to the screen, following Naomi and her friends. Watching as they squeeze through the Lycans and head down the hall, making their way to the sub-levels.

Josh's eyes tear from the screen as he lands on the ground, feeling a pain radiating from his jaw. "You did this!" Jerald sneers at him, his fist still clenched. "Everything we've worked for is gone!" He yells, falling on top of Josh, and punching him angrily.

Josh tries to fight back, but his brother is stronger than him. Keeping him pinned as he continued to pummel him.

"Enough. Enough, Jerald." Their father commands with a sigh.

"What do we do? There's no way we can get out of this," Josie says with a quiver in her voice.

"There's only one thing to go, Jo," Kuke says as he goes to the door. "We go down with a fight."

"What? Dad, no!" Jerald yells, following his father into his office. "We can't just give up!"

Son, if you have a solution, please don't keep it to yourself!" Luke hisses at him as he goes to his weapons - taking out his two handguns and a grenade.

"Giving up is not an option!" Jerald shouts. "WE COULD ESCAPE! WE COULD SURVIVE!"



"WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE US DO SON?" Luke yells back, stalking up to Jerald. Grabbing the back of his neck, Luke Kennedy pulls his son to him. "I am sorry, son." He says as he hugs him.

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