
122 3 0

London Reed
I always sleep in a ball no matter how hot or cold I get. And this is always happens, I can have a single bed and I'll be in a hall, king, queen, it doesn't matter what size.

So when I feel someone fall on the bed next to me, my eyes pop open. I look over my shoulder and a Louis groans. I turn my lamp on but he shuffles into me, spooning me from behind. "Louis.." I whisper.

"Shh," he whispers. I grab his phone from his hand and see the time as 1am.


He smelled like alcohol and cigarettes.

"Shh!" he shushed me louder. He squinted his eyes and shook his head. "Turn the light off,"

I sigh and listen, turning it off and he pulls me into him. "Louis...are you drunk?"

"No.." he rasps. He lets go of me, moving around like crazy. I couldn't see him in the dark room but I hear a shoe fall to the floor, then the belt coming off before right materials coming off his legs. "Fuck me, that's better,"

I realised he stripped down to his boxers and kept spooning me from behind and I couldn't move because his grip was so tight. "Are you okay Louis?"

"Mhm," he hums, still nodding. "I'm fine," he then slurs. I shuffle my way out of his grip and I roll over to face him. He kisses me which makes me widen my eyes. I pull away and hold my hand against his chest.

"Louis.." I whisper.

"What?" he grumbles.

"How much did you drink?" I ask.

"Not many," he shakes his head. "Just enough," he whispers. "And I may have smoked some shit," he whispers and then giggles like a five year old.

I huff and I slide my arm under his neck, holding his shoulder and the other goes into his surprisingly soft hair. He freezes and goes silent, I use my fingers to run against his scalp to calm him down and get him to sleep.

This would be a lot better if I knew how much he has had and who gave him this many. I had a feeling it was Harry but, I'm not gonna assume just like that. "Don't stop," he whines, making me roll my eyes at his neediness and I shuffle closer to him. Not to mention I shuffle up a little so I was laying right at the top of the pillow.

"Shh," I soothe, rubbing his head and rubbing his arm with my pinky.

I felt like a mother trying to calm my child down. He sighs through his nose with a little exhale noise, almost like a hum. At my touch, he calmed a lot, but I knew he was still buzzing with energy. "Shh," I whisper again, still trying to soothe him to sleep.

He starts breathing in and out slowly and silently. I look down at him and he was cuddled into me and he just looked...peaceful. This certainly doesn't look like the man that has done many bad things in his life.

I smile.

I feel my eyes get heavier the more silent he gets. In the dark we lay inches away from each other, nothing to say or do except sleep. It was very silent in the room, until he spoke in a whisper. "I'm never signing that paper," he whispers and my eyes open because of it.

I swallow and stay quiet for a minute. "Why?"

"Cause.." he whispers. "I don't want you to leave,"

I swallow.

And it was like I just got hit by it all. Everything I was hoping for, gone. The other side of me, gone. The hope I had that I might just see my mom, gone. My brothers, gone. I wasn't with Will anymore, I wasn't gonna see him again.

I inhaled deeply and breathe out slowly. I chose not to answer and I just close my eyes softly.

I woke up this morning with Louis curled into me, and I remember what he said last night. I got out of bed and I knew Louis was gonna be hungover as shit so I knew I had to most likely care for him today. I made myself toast and filled up a glass of water and searched the cabinets for Advil which I successfully find.

After about an hour after Louis groans and I take that as my cue, taking the water and Advil into my bedroom where he was only in his boxers on his back with the covers low on his hips.

He rubs his eyes and sits up with another groan. I sit in the bed with a sigh. "Morning," I smile. He looks at me with the look of paim and I hand him the water.

"Thank you," he takes it, then sees I have Advil.

"You shouldn't be going out on a work night," I scold, as he tips his head back to swallow the pills.

"I had too," he puts the water down. "I don't get a choice,"


He whines a groan again. "I just had too," he says, not actually answering me before he chugs the rest of the water, I take the glass from him. "Thank you," he shuffles under the covers more.

I nod. "Oh god," he sighs.

"What's up?"

"I've got to go to work," he sighs.

"Louis, you should stay home,"

"I can't," he shakes his head.

"You're hungover,"

"I'm okay though," he sniffs. "I can't skip,"

"You look like shit," I whisper honestly. He drags his eyes towards me and rolls them.

"Thanks, captain obvious," he rolls his eyes, grabbing his phone from the bedside table. He unlocks it and then scrolls through his notifications. "Fuck," he drags out in a whine.


"Zayn's pissed off at me now," he shakes his head while texting.

"What? Why?"

"I wouldn't hook up with fucking Erin," he huffs. "And I told her to leave me the fuck alone,"

"Wait...what? You said no to Erin?"



He looks down. "I didnt want too?"

"Yeah..but why? You always do?"

"I just didn't want to, and she kept like...trying to kiss me and shit,"

"What changed?" I ask.

"I guess...I dunno, I just really didn't want to,"

"Oh..okay," I just nod, not pushing him to tell me the real reason as to why he doesn't want to, because from what he said, they're always together and stuff but I didn't ask.


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