ninety eight

30 0 0

Louis Tomlinson
"Oh my god!" I hear a voice that was faint, and my eyes were fuzzy. I lay there, on my back, and I was breathing very faintly, I was in so much pain, but I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I then see a face coke into my blurry vision, and the more I realise, I was breathing shortly. "Are you okay?" I see them look at the state of me.

I just feel my eyes get heavy. "Stay with me, I'm getting help," the person says and I stare up at the sky, which was sunny, which was weird.

I just wanted London, I want her with me right now. She's help me, and we'd be okay. I hear the person almost screaming into their phone, and my head falls to the side and I was laying on concrete, behind a building.

I groan, because I felt so weak. "What's your name?" I hear. I turn my head back to the person.

"Lo..uis," I get out, weakly, out if breath.

"Louis?" they repeat. I nod once very softly and they say it into the phone.

I zone out, thinking of London, and what we had been through. If I could go back, I wish I had respected her more when she first came here, I feel absolutely awful about how I treated her.

I guess death is what I really deserved.

I don't want to die anymore. I never used to care about dying, but because I finally found someone I love, I care. She's so perfect and sweet, and I know they say that no one's perfect, but London is.

She's all I've ever wanted and needed in my life, and she's so sweet. She's always happy, I swear she's always smiling. I remember when I got her Cherry, she was the happiest I had ever seen her. I gave her that. That's probably the only thing I've given her, that has mad her happy.

I put her through hell and back, and I deserve this. She deserves the world, she deserves to go back to her home town, and live her house, and forget about me. It pains me to admit it, but she's better of without me.

A tear rolls down my hot cheek, and I close my eyes. She's so pretty, and precious. I love her so much, and I hope she knows that I regret everything I did that was bad to her.

I don't even know what happened after, because the next thing I know, there's more than one person, touching me, and of course I didn't like it, but I had no energy to get them off me.

Why were they helping me?

I knew this was going to happen if I let London go, I've prepared myself for death.

They kept saying things, shining a very bright thing in my eyes, but so had no energy to move. I just wanted to sleep, next to London and curl in a ball and apologise about everything.

I then feel myself getting taken off the ground, and a mask over me, then I feel air invade my lungs, and I so needed it. I peel my tired eyes, I could see the top of a car, or a van.

I hear loud sirens, and more than one person was over me now, feeling a pinch in my arm, but it was painful, I couldn't really feel much. I see the bright lights on the top of the roof, and I stare at it.

I then feel my eyes closing, still hearing my heartbeat in my ears, it was such a weird feeling and sound, but I felt peaceful.

All I know is I love London, and I want her by my side. If all happened so quickly, I was taken on a bed, through doors, and into another room, where what seems to be a female, holds my head, some hold my legs and some hold my arms, before I get out onto something else which made me groan out in pain as I hit a harder surface.

I hear beeps of machines, and I hear them yelling out stuff, asking for things and I couldn't understand any of them, I didn't care.

"Who shot you?" I hear someone.

"Can you tel me your name and the date?"

"I need an IV in room 26!" I hear one shout, and it was making my head spin, someone still pumping air into my body, and it was a relief. I close my eyes again, wanting to be home already.

After I closed my eyes. It all just stopped, the shouting, the demands, the beeping, the ringing in my ears, it all stopped.

I peel my eyes open, and I blink to adjust. The first thing I realise, is I was in a room, behind curtains, and I had the same mask over my face, and I looked around, the plain white walls, the slow beeps.

I was in a fucking hospital.

I don't remember anything, I remember being shot, by my fathers men, and I remembered seeing London, and Amelia.

Where are they?

I then release I was breathing fine, but my body ached. I saw the chair next to me had my clothes and shoes folded neatly, but how did I even get here?

I cheated death, and I'm alive, and I feel fine, other than the headache and the pain in my chest. I reach up and take the oxygen mask off, and put it next to me. I swallow my dry mouth, and I look around.

I look in my lap, and breathe out. I groan, but shuffle myself, so I can get the gown off my legs, and I use the blanket I had over me to cover myself as I look at my chest. I had a white gauze on a part of my chest and I gently touch it, feeling stitches under the material.

I close my eyes and pull the gown back down, rubbing my eyes. I had something over my fingertip which was measuring my heart rate. I've been in the hospital to many times to know what this means.

I hate hospitals so much.

sorry this is so short, i've had major writers block, so getting this done is a relief :)

near the end besties :)

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