forty one

113 2 0

London Reed
After last night, I never wanted to wake up. I can't believe we did that last night. I mean, it was a big step for him, and I felt special he did it. I do also know he only did it to prove that he can do it, he just wants to be better than Harry.

A soft hum makes me peel my eyes open and when I lazily open my eyes, I could feel a soft fingertip on my back which makes my skin crawl. I was laying on my stomach, for once not curled in a ball.

I yawn silently and rub my eyes and the more I realised, Louis was tracing my back, humming softly a song. I listen closer and I could hear it, faintly like it was out of a headphone.

I look over my shoulder and I was right. He had white corded headphones in his ears, staring at my back, softly humming as he softly traced my naked back.

When he realised I was looking at him he flinched. He pulled them out, and paused it. "Hi.." he murmurs.

"Hi," I say softly, rolling over. "What are you listening too?"

He looks at his phone which turns on, and I see the Cigarettes After Sex album, Sunstez paused. "You like them?" I ask. He doesn't answer, and I take that as a yes. I actually really like their music, I have to be in the mood to listen to them but they have good songs.

"Maybe.." he whispers, almost like he's embarrassed.

"Louis..I love Cigarettes After Sex," I say and he looks at me.

"You do?"

"John Wayne, K, Sunsetz, Cry, Apocalypse, Sweet," I list their songs. He smiles at this and looks down, licking the inside of his cheek.

"Really?" he doesn't believe it and I nod. "No one really does,"

"I thought the same," I say and he smiles.

"Here," he hands me a headphone, laying back down the two of us naked. I lay down next to him, and put the headphone in. He presses okay and the middle of Sunsetz starts to play.

Sunsets. I wanna hear your voice.
A love that nobody could destroy.

"I used to think it was a girl singing," I admit. "But I'm sure it's a boy,"

"I think it's a girl," he argues and I shake my head softly with a snicker.

Took photographs like Brautigan's book covers that we both adored.

"It's so peaceful," he sighs, facing me but he focuses on my collarbones.

And when you go away, I still see you. With sunlight in your face in my rear-view.

"I love this song," I agree. "It's soft,"

He smiles and turns it up one.

This always happen to me this way.

"I'm so glad I found someone who likes CAS," he shortens it.

"It's a pretty song," I agree, and he smiles.

Recurring visions of such sweet days.

I cup his jaw with one hand and his eyes drag up to meet mine. "You surprise me more and more everyday, London," he says and I shrug.

"I'm peculiar," I say and he laughs.


And when you go away. I still see you.

He starts to mouth the lyrics, but hardly moves his lips. I just laid there and watched him, he looked so peaceful, calmly mouthing lyrics, and softly tracing my shoulder.

He was a completely different person right now, he looked like he wouldn't kill anyone, not even a bug of some sort. He meets eyes with me and I lean up on my elbows, and kiss him.

He was a bit thrown off bye it but he melted into this kiss right after.

i've had major writers block for this book so these chapters might be short. i hope you guys had a good christmas and i hope your new year is exciting and safe <3

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