"Enemies" - Sabrina Quesada

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Prompt: Hate is a strong word

~Your pov~

Sab and I have been enemies for a long time. There's literally no reason, she just hates me.

Even before I moved into the house with Anna, Eva, and Sab she has always hated me. Like i remember the first time someone asked if she had liked me on a live, and she said no.

But i don't know why.

I don't understand why she hates me.

When I moved into the house with them seven months ago, she has always gave me dirty looks, and she still does. She even talks shit about me, and she knows I can hear her.

And to make it even worse our bedrooms are right next to each others.

For seven months Sab and I have ignored each other. Seven fucking months.

Anyways right now the girls and I are going to a hotel for the week because we are visiting Evas friends in Texas.

I'm sitting in the front with Anna, Eva and Sab are in the back.

"So Y/n and Sab i know you guys won't like this but.. you guys have to share a hotel room.." Eva told us.

I looked at Eva in disbelief.

"What." Sab said in the back. "You're joking."

"She's not.." Anna piped in.

"Can we just switch room? Can i go with Eva?" I asked the girls.

"Anna and I only got a one bed for our room." She told me.

Fuck this.

~Evas pov~

Look, I just want them to be friends, so we only got two hotel rooms.

I knew they were both pissed, but this is the only way Anna and I thought of to get them to be friends.

"I hate you." Y/n said to Anna and I.

We didn't have too much longer until we got to the hotel. Only about five minutes until disaster.

Y/n was texting someone, Anna was on tiktok, and Sab was making tiktoks.

~Your pov~

Eva pulled up to the hotel, and parked.

I really don't want to go in, but i know I have to.

I got out of the car, and opened the trunk.

I only had one duffel bag, and i grabbed that.

I was going to walk inside, but Sab looked like she couldn't grab all of her bags.

~Sabs pov~

I couldn't grab my last bag, and all of the girls had went inside already.

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