Chapter 1

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     Could this get any worse? This guy Jared was staring at me like I was a nut job. All I did was tell him I liked him. Was that so terrible to say? OK, yeah, it probably was out of the blue since him and me were friends for like...say two years? But hey, if you like someone you like someone. I should have seen this coming too. My friend Cassandra even told me "Dara, I'm telling you, he isn't interested." I asked her why and she told me he wasn't interested in anyone. How could you not be interested in anyone? That was going against everything that was humanly possible. But starring into Jared's blue eyes right now, I was starting to believe that Cassandra was being a good friend, telling me the brutal truth.

     "Jared?" He was still staring at me, dumbfounded. The whole thing was getting really uncomfortable. I really really wanted to just turn around and run away. Possibly to the nearest cliff, or busy road or heck even a pharmacy. I wasn't picky. Any method of suicide was looking good right about now.

     "So that's it? You're not gonna say anything? Jared, I just-" I was interrupted by a whiny nasally voice. I tensed instantly.

     "Jared, sweetie, where have you been?" Alicia, my arch-nemesis said, strutting up to him and putting her hand on his arm possessively. Jared looked down at her, the moment broken.

      Were they still together? I couldn't tell. Alicia gave me a stink eye as she kissed Jared on the cheek. "What are you doing, standing with this loser?" She asked stealing glances my way. Yes, she insulted me in public and I could care less about it. I looked to Jared who seemed to be standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. So he wasn't even going to defend his friend? Did I really screw up that much for him to act differently around me? Well that was just great.

     "We were just talking Alicia." I said looking straight in her bright blue eyes. Alicia was a blond rich girl with beautiful complection, which any guy would fall for. 

     "Talking?" She questioned slowly. She turned to Jared as if she was asking him. He still didn't speak.

      What? Did he not have a voice now? I was starting to get annoyed. Should I run for it? Or should I stay to see what he would stay? Moments like this made me want to crawl under a rock, or maybe jump off a building. Those were so much better than being in this situation.

     "Jared, forget it, okay?" I said, smiling weakly at him. "I'll catch you later," and with that I turned around and walked to my car. I walked quickly, trying to swallow past the lump in my throat. I will not cry. I will not cry. The mantra was all that kept me from breaking down. I couldn't even remember the drive home. My mind was too focused on Jared. Jared. Oh gosh. How was I going to deal with seeing him at school tomorrow? All of a sudden, I felt sick to my stomach.

      I got home, slamming the door behind me. I couldn't breathe or pay attention to where I was going because my eyes were watery. I heard voices calling my name but I didn't care. I walked upstairs, knocking over a vase, that was on the side table. I think I got cut by the glass but I wasn't paying much attention to it.

       I got to my room, slamming the door. I jumped on my queen sized bed and covered my body with the covers. Why did I feel like this? It wasn't like he was my prince charming anyways? But I really liked him. Was this how it felt like to have a broken heart? My heart was constricting my chest, as I tried to breathe deeply. I soon found myself drifting off into a restless sleep.

     At three the next morning, my phone rang. 03:13 to be exact, I noticed, looking blearily at the flashing green numbers of the alarm clock .


       "Dara? Dara, Daaara darling I have the best news." It was Kat, my wild and crazy friend who was probably still at the party and very drunk.

        "Kat? It's three o'clock!"

       "Don't you wanna hear?" I could imagine her pouting and putting on her poor-me-im-so-cute face.

          "Okay, fine. I'm up. Tell me."

             "Great! So I saw Jared here tonight!"

  I grumbled feeling like I was going to cry. "Kat, I don't want to hear that right now."

     "But don't you like him?! I thought you did. Well any-who, is this better news for you? I hooked up with the most popular guy in the school!"

      That got me to bolt up from bed, trying to process this information. "Are you crazy?! Why did you do that?! Kat! You're drunk aren't you? I mean Steven Riley?! He is the most arrogant jerk on this planet!"

      Kat's words slurred as she tried to say that she liked him even if he was arrogant. 

      I couldn't believe her right now. That was not the best news in the world. How could she say that?

       "He invited us to go somewhere for summer though." Kat said. I noticed her voice was trying not to seem angry. 

     I sighed. "Where did he invite us?"

         "To a Island." She said excitedly.

       "Kat," I said, my voice flat. "You're drunk. Are you sure you're not just making this up?"

     "But Dee I'm serious. His mother is going on some self-discovery B.S thing and wants him to stay at their private island so he stays out of trouble. For the most part. And you know his family is loaded. So he invited me and a friend of my choice. I want you to come with."

     "Why would he invite us? Kat, you hardly know this guy, why would you trust him?"

     "Dee, I knew you'd be this way. He invited Mark too. You know how your mum loves Mark. Please say yes."

     "But Kat-"

     "Dee, please understand, ever since I broke up with Him I just feel so-"

     "Okay, okay. I'll think about it," I said before she could start crying.

       I hung up the phone exasperated. Was she ever going to get over her ex? I mean couldn't she see that hooking up with guys, that she barely knew, was a terrible idea? The guy she broke up with wasn't even right for her. I didn't see why she would want to go to that Island so bad. This was definitely a cry for help. How could she want to stay on a Island with a arrogant Steven?  

    He was nothing but trouble. Then there was Mark. Mark being Kat's  gay best friend was the life of the party. That was why my mom loved him so much. He could get anyone to fall in love with him. Speaking of him, was he going to bring anyone with him? Wait. How many people was Steven planning to invite? And where was this "Island" that his family owned? So many questions ran through my mind as I jumped back onto my bed.

       As I drifted off to sleep, I tried to reassure myself about the next day. All I had to do was keep my head down and avoid Jared. And Cassandra. All my friends, basically.

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