Chapter 8

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Dara's POV 

Cassandra's voice filled the air with a sense of emotions. I was entranced by the gentile tone of her voice. I looked around, seeing that other were enjoying it too. Then Jared caught my eye. He was with a few other people, enjoying themselves. 

I decided that that was the time to make my move. Alicia wasn't by him and I had to talk to him. As I was about to walk up to him, I heard someone yell "Fight!" 

I looked to where this was taking place and some girl was was pulling Kat's hair? What was going on?! I was slightly pissed that Kat chose this moment to have the spotlight to herself. I was even more pissed because Cassandra stopped singing just as that stupid someone yelled Fight.

Cassandra's POV

Should've held my ground 

I could've been redeemed 

For every second chance 

That changed its mind on me 

I was singing with ease. I felt into my element and no one was laughing at me so that was a plus. I decided to sing this particular song because it meant something to me. I use to have this one boyfriend and we would go on and off, on and off, then somehow he just left because he could. I made a mess with that relationship. If someone knew me wholly it would be him and that sometimes scared me. That someone was out there that knew everything about me but I couldn't be with him anymore because he didn't want to be with me. So after asking for another chance he just told me that I wasn't worth it anymore which made me feel like shit. 

I was feeling the lyrics but then there was an interruption from no one other than Kat. From where I was I could see she was trying to get a girl off her and the girl was pulling on Kat's hair. I stared at them for a second, noticing that I stopped playing my guitar completely. I looked at Kat's red face and my face was just as red. Not only was I doing well but Kat ruined my moment. Why did she always do that? I didn't understand. 

I got up and ran off stage, ready to yell at Kat's stupidity. 

Kat's POV

She was pulling my hair really hard and one thing I HATED was a bitch pulling my long luscious hair. Are you freaking kidding me right now?! I start to pull her hair to see how she likes it! Then I kick her in her stomach to see if that effected her more. Mama didn't raise no fool. She taught me how to defend myself. I may be reckless but I sure as hell know how to protect myself from a crazy bitch like this one. 

The girl didn't seem to double over like I expected her to. She just started pulling my hair harder and smacking me. SMACKING ME! This girl didn't even smack as hard as she thought she was. I could feel my face going red with anger. This was ridiculous. The person who yelled fight was going to get a beating of his own after I taught this girl a lesson. I then lifted the girl and threw her off of me. 

I heard gasps as the girl looked up at me with shock. Didn't see that one did you? 

I suddenly was pushed back by Cassandra. "What the hell?!" I yell at her. 

"Why are you fighting?!" She yells back. I then see that her face was red with anger. What the hell did I do?

"This bitch started it!" I point to her. 

"I don't care who started it! You ruined my performance!"

"Me?" I look at her with a bitchy look. "Why the heck did you even go up there for Cassandra?"

"Wow. Seems like you don't even support one of your friend Kat and yeah you ruined it."

"Enough!" Dara comes in coming between us to like we would end up fighting each other. "Both of you are being ridiculous. "You both need to chill out!" 

"Whatever." I say and walked away before anyone had the honors of telling me to leave.

Jared's POV

The last thing I expected from this party was a riot scene from my three best friends. I didn't know exactly was happening but I saw that not only was Kat mad but Cassandra and Dee was mad too. I decided to run closer to get a better understanding about what was going on with all of them. 

When I got there though Kat was walking away, Matt was looking like he didn't know what to do, and Cassandra and Dee were looking at each other with annoyance. But it didn't seem like it was with each other but directed towards Kat. 

I went up to the girls knowing I had to find out what was going on, they were my friends, after all. 

"Yo, what's going on?" I ask them worriedly. 

Dee looked up to me with shock. What? She didn't expect me to talk to her? Well, I was avoiding her all week but I didn't know what to tell her or act around her. I didn't want to be like that with Dee but it was too much drama. This little happenings were more Drama from my group of friends that was even needed. 

Dee didn't answer but Cassandra did. She always was saving Dee's butt.  "Kat got into a fight with a girl, I got mad because she ruined my performance, and Dee stopped us." Cassandra said with annoyance dripping out of every word. 

I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling like this was too much for me to fix. "Well, if it counts for anything, I thought your performance was good Cass." 

She looked up at me and her face relaxed a little. "Thanks Jared."

"No problem." I turned to Dee who wasn't looking at me anymore. She was looking everywhere but me. "You okay Dee?" I asked. 

When she looked at me she looked nervous. "Y-yeah w-why wouldn't I be okay?"

"I don't know? You tell me?"

"Ima let you two talk." Cassandra says and then leaves, pulling Matt along with her. 

What was there to talk about?


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 Steven is to your right :D

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