Chapter 2

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      The next day, my plan lasted all of five minutes. "Dee!" I could recognize Kat's voice anywhere in a crowd. It was loud and sharp. Totally not what you'd expect from a Etty bitty girl like her. I tried to ignore her and walked faster. "Dee! I know you can hear me. Wait up!" Kat did not have a shy bone in her body and I knew she would not stop shouting 'till she caught up.

       "What?" I turned around sharply and waited for her. She was a beautiful half Native American, half Filipino girl with long black hair that had blond streaks in it. She had big brown eyes that most guys fell for and pearly white straight teeth. When she caught up to me her face was flushed and she obviously had no control over her breathing because her next words came out very loud.

      "I know you like Jared and all but-" I clapped my hand over her mouth to stop her from continuing but the damage was done.

       I looked at her with a hurt but wide eyed expression. I knew to the right of me Jared and Alicia stood. Why did Kat have to have such a big ass mouth? I swear I could kill her and be happy doing it too. 

      Kat's eyes averted to where they stood. Her face recognizing why I just stopped her mid-sentence. Alicia had a smirk on her face, while Jared seemed to turn around abruptly and head for the nearest class. I was embarrassed. Not only did Kat ruin my morning but Jared ruined my morning by avoiding me. How could he do that? It wasn't like our friendship should change over this. I was starting to get a headache. 

     I let go of Kat's mouth. She breathed deeply before slowly saying she was sorry. I scowled at her and walked away.

      The morning was awful! I avoided Kat and Jared avoided me and Alicia as the bitch she was smirking like crazy whenever I was passing by. I was really pissed with Kat for what she did this morning but I promised I am going to come with her on the trip. As I was lying on my bed, over thinking the whole situation that was happening to me, I called Kat.

       "Hello?" I heard her voice answering the phone.

       " Hey Kat.." I couldn't even finish my sentence before she spoke.

       "Oh my god Dee I am so happy that you are talking to me. I was so worried that you wouldn't talk to me for the whole week and I want you to come with me on the trip next month and you know I can't go alone without you and.." She was speaking non-stop.

        "OK. Let me talk!" I yelled at her so she would close her mouth and let me do the talking.

       "OK I am forgiving you but you own me a favor, got it?" I asked.

        "Of course" She cheered.

        "Come to my house so we can choose clothes for the trip and we might go shopping" I said. "

         "Yayy, be there in a sec." She told me and hung up.

          I sighed and relaxed on my bed. What was I going to do with this girl? She drives me crazy to the point of no return yet she was still my friend and I couldn't just promise something and walk away from that promise. Maybe if I asked Cassandra if she wanted to come? I wonder if she has any plans for the summer. I thought to myself. Maybe I should call her up?

          I took out my phone and dialed her number. It rung a bit before I heard her voice on the other line. "Hello?" She said with a gentle tone.

          "Hey Cassandra. I was wondering, do you have any plans when school ends and summer break gets here?"

           "Not that I know of. Why?"

          "Oh..." I said stopping to think if I should ask her. Why was I hesitating? Cassandra and I were friends since we were in diapers so I didn't understand why I hesitated. Maybe it was the whole Jared thing. I mentally shook myself. I will not think of him right now. "Well Kat invited me to this Island for the summer and I promised her I would go but I would love if you would go with us?"

          She nearly screamed in my ear. I had to pull the phone away from my ear just to catch what she was saying. "OH MY GOSH DARA! ARE YOU CRAZY?! OF COURSE I'LL COME WITH YOU!"

           I smiled. I knew I could count on her to get me excited for this trip too. I didn't understand why I was so unwilling to go in the first place when Cassandra was ready to go this very minute. Well maybe this trip would be fun. "Okay okay! Well I'm going to the mall with Kat soon if you wanna come." I said deciding why invite her to that too,

          "Uh, yeah! I'll be there in a few! Love you! Bye."

           "Bye." I said before hanging up the phone.

          Before I knew it my two friends were sitting in my bedroom waiting for me to get dressed. I didn't think they would get here so fast considering every time I invite them to my house it took them so long. I was in the bathroom contemplating with two outfits.I settled for a striped black and white chevron dress.

              I went out to find the girls on my queen sized bed that had floral sheets, that my mom picked out. My room wasn't big at all. There were a few paintings on the wall, a hanging shelf which had my books on it, a book lamp, and a little marble table which was on the other side of the bed.

My room was not the typical Eighteen year old room. It was too simple and many people would call it elderly but I thought it was cute. It was easy to clean and I was satisfied with it.

                "Ready to go?" I asked the girls grabbing my black guess purse from my small marble table. I looked over to what they were wearing. Before, I didn't pay much attention. I felt like I was wearing too much. Kat was wearing A classic black leather jacket, white tee, and jeans. Cassandra was wearing pink shorts, a white medium sleeve top with a turquoise necklace.

                  Yup, I was definitely over dressed. "Your so over dressed." Kat said looking at what I was wearing."

                   "Yeah let me pick something for you to wear." Cassandra walked into my closet finding me a different outfit.

                  "You have such nice clothes but wear them to the wrong thing." Kat snickered.

                    Cassandra came back with a peachy dress that had no sleeves and the bottom had a zig-zag pattern that made it look like it was two pieces. That was defiantly a summer dress. "Here you go." Cassandra smiled brightly as she handed me the dress. I went back to the bathroom to change into it and took off my necklace. I paired it with blue Fritz heels.

                   Now I was ready to go. I smiled at my reflection before joining the girls once again.

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