Chapter 2

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I leap over a barrel and when Charlie throws up the scissors i grab them and hide Charlie behind me.

Looking over to the barrel i see a sword sticking out of it, thats when the captain jumps down from the deck in front of me drawing out their sword.

"Looks like you have no way to fight back. Your dead meat kid."

"Ya know, you try to act all high and mighty when you only fight people thats smaller and smarter than you."


I pull out the sword from the barrel and knock the captain's sword out of their hands.

"See, not so high and mighty now huh."

I knocked the sword on the deck so Lee could see it.

*Lee's perspective*

**I gotta get away from them.


**What the hell was... a sword!

I already tried kicking out of the man's grasp, so let's try this...

I sink down making him have to let go for a second to readjust his grip, and i stand up just in time for me to head-but him, making him fall over.

I grab the sword and threaten the people that have Cody so i can get him back and take him to the bay.

*Back to normal*

I protect Charlie as best as i can until Lee can take him to the bay.


"Oh my god! Lee don't do that!"

We fight off the crew as best as we can. I know for sure that we will never be able to go out after hours again.

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