Chapter 4

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Hours pass, im still by the rock, im not crying anymore... im just thinking.

"Whered they go?"

"I dont know sir."

"Well dont just stand there, help me find them."

I hear Vander talking to someone in the distance about me. I try to stand up but i cant move. It fells like the sand is pulling me into it.

"So we meet again. I didnt think itd be this soon though."

The captain of the thievery boat has also docked here. I look up at them but i dont think they were expecting me to look numb.

"Wha- hey are you okay? Have you been crying?"


I couldn't speak, its like i have cotton mouth and my throat had sand stuck in it.

"Hey its gonna be okay... I promise."

They tried to help me up bhut it didn't work, i wasn't in quick sand or anything, my legs just wouldn't work.

Thats when I finally could speak again.

"Why are you trying to help me. You pretty much ruined everything. Your technically the reason im crying."

"Im sorry, but some kid like you shouldn't be out at night anyways."

"Im not a kid, im damn near 17."

"For real? Im 19."

I didnt know a captain could be that young but I guess someone has to be in charge of their crew.

They finally got me to stand after a couple minutes and got me a water bottle, it was actually theirs but they gave it to me.

Thats when i heard Vander and a couple guys from my crew's, yells get louder. And Lee just popped up out of nowhere.

"Hey you're the captain from the thievery boat last night. What do you think you're doing?"

"I was just-"

"You think you can just try to kidnap someone from my crew likeh that?"

Your crew? Vander made you the assistant captain! That spot was mine.

"N-no i wasn't trying to kidnap them i-"

"Your crew?"


"Vander gave you my spot and you took it?"

"I was offered the spot yes. And yes i took it."

"That was my spot what ever happened to friends Lee?"

"I dont know, what happened to friends last night? You tried to kill us."

How could they! After i helped them and everything! I wanted to yell, hell i just wanted to speak but I couldn't."

"Thats what I thought... you only care about yourself in the end. Thats why you ran away when Vander was trying to talk to you and why you wanted to go out last night... isn't it."

They dont know anything! Im like this because everyone made me like this. I used to be so soft and i used to trust everyone but Vander told me not to. Vander made me tuffen up. You have also now made me like this Lee.

"Im gonna go tell Vander that I found you and we're gonna leave."



"I said no. Im not going. Not with you or Vander or that stupid old crew we have."

"What you have to."

"I dont look out for anyone but myself right? I only want what i want right?"

"I didnt-"

"You didnt what? You didnt mean it like that? How else would i take it? Im going with you."

I look at the thievery captain.

"With me? You cant come with me my crew doesn't just let anyone in like that. They'll eat you alive."

Do they have fun at belittling me. Why does everyone think im a kid. Im almost fucking 17. How could they.

I see Vander walk over here, yelling that he found me. And the captain of the thievery boat ran off so they wouldn't get caught.

Every time i have a water bottle i take the tape off when i have nothing to do, but when i took the tape off there was a note.

'If you ever need to let go and be free, just go on the deck at night or to the land your docked at, the pendent your wear always tells me where you are.'

Vander looked down so I crumpled it up in my hands and put it in my pocket. Vander didn't say a word to me the rest of the day. And no one told me to help with the sails or anything.

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