Chapter 5

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**how does the captain know where to find me... i know they said the pendant but how... it doesn't make sense...

I stayed up thinking about the note and decided that tomorrow night im gonna put that note to the test.

No one really talked to me at breakfast since everything that happened yesterday, Vander and Lee were still mad and no one would let the kids play with me.

So i might as well enjoy this while i can. I wash up and get changed for the note thing tonight. I practically wear the same thing every day.

Black jeans, grey cropped tank top, black arm sleeves, and my pendant. So if i go to the bar like this no one should be suspicious.

"Hey ... you still tryin to kill us or what?"

*three boys laugh*

"Yeah be careful, or you'll be next."

Those three are new comers. I think there names are Zac, Alex, and Cameron. All quite boring names if you ask me, they try to act so tuff until Lee or i scare them off.

**I miss talking to Lee... what am i saying they betrayed me... but they were only doing it for the crew I guess...

"Hey kid. Move i got places to be."

"Right, sorry Carl."

"Dont beat yourself up about yesterday or the day after, everyone make mistakes and you made sure everyone was safe."

Carl's right everyone that has a problem with what i did can up one. I made a mistake and fixed it so they should just forget about it.

"Thanks Carl."

"Dont thank me, thank Vander. Hes the one that thought me forgive and loosen up."

I just smiled back as a reply. How could I possibly think about Vander being a good person when he humiliated me in front of everyone.

I ended up helping Carl for what he said to be a couple minutes, and i did since i had nothing to do and he was the only one talking to me.

Soon minutes turned into hours and hours made the clock spin and it was nighttime before i knew it.

I went to the bay last since i was helping Carl and they had to do one last roll call of people before lights out.

"And Thats everyone ok everyone to bed... and i mean it."

Vander targeted me. I dont blame him but it was literally the only thing i did wrong... and got caught for.

I waited until i knew everyone was asleep and snuck out to the deck.

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