Chapter 8

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"Nyxie can i go with you? I dont know where else to go."

"Im sorry but you can not... my crew wont like it if you did..."

"So I guess im just suppose to find an island and stay there forever. You cant even take me home? Your boat has to be fast and since you can find me super easily-"

"Im very sorry ..."

**Im screwed, where am i supposed to go?

Nyxie had left so now im all alone on the deck with no where to go.

**i dont know why i can just go with them, its not like they have something to hide right?

I find a small cabin like thing near the edge of the deck, no one would be able to find me unless they really look in here.

I stay there until morning, trying to get as much sleep as i can. I keep playing the fight with Lee in my head. Until i eventually just fall asleep by tiring out my mind with the thought.

I wake up to hear people yelling.

"Where's Vander?"

"I dont know... wheres ...?"

"I dont know. We need to find them, they know how to fight well."

**Is Vander looking for me?

I look through a small crack and see the crew running around frantically. I think a mutiny is happening and no one knows where Vander is.

I see some of our crew on the deck get captured and getting locked in the bay. If i get out now then ill get captured too. And im sure Lee told everyone that i left.

**what do i do.

I can't go out there, but i can't stay in here.

Before I knew it they were gone, all of them. Instead of helping I was thinking about what I had said to Lee and what Nyxie heard. Why didn't I go help. They're all probably scared.

Cody and Charlie must be terrified.

"Hey you're okay no one can bother you now."

My thoughts were interrupted by a hand reaching down towards me and someone speaking.

"You're still down there right."

"Nyxie? What have you done?"

"You were having trouble with your crew so, I thought I'd lend a hand."

She pulled me up and smiled.

"Oh don't give me that look, they're fine. My crew's got 'em."

**Your crew, the one that I won't be safe with but my entire crew will be? How is that fair?

"We should be docking soon, there's an island up ahead.... Hey cheer up, you partner is fine, they're getting special treatment."

I heard her say partner and knew they were talking about Lee. Is Lee even my partner anymore, that fight we had felt terrible. They probably hate me.

"Land hoooo! It looks kinda run down but you'll be able to manage. Off you go."

"You're just gonna leave me here? After taking my crew, lying about your crew being safe, and literally taking over my boat, you just let me go on my own?"

"Yep. Have fun."

They push me off the boat and left me there to watch them sail off into the horizon.

**I guess I actually don't have anyone anymore. I'm fully alone now...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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