Chapter 6

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I can't tell if im being paranoid or followed. Looking around frantically i see a shadow dart across a barley lit doorway from the corner of my eye.

**ok dont be scared it's probably just a rat, yeah. Just a large human like rat.

I walk over to the door and see light from the bottom of it. Turning the handle, something grabs my shoulder making me jump.

"Hey calm down its just me."

"Jeez. Ya know instead of scaring me you could've just called out to me."

"Its funner this way. Also i told you id come out."

Thats when I realized it again, she really did find me. But how?

"Yeah, how did you know where i was?"

"I told ya, the pendant."

Yeah but like... how?"

She didn't give me a clear enough answer. She keeps dodging the question like shes hiding something.

"Hey let's go explore."

"Explore what, we are on a boat in the ocean."

"Oh come on theres gotta be something you haven't seen on here."

"I don't even know your name."

"Call me Nyxie."


**I know that name from somewhere... but where?

I remember that Vander had a sister before we went on the boat. She used to tell me all about sirens and mermaids. I was young so I believed her.

My nickname was Lady sireness any time she would play with me. She told me about water serpents that diegeses themselves as sirens or was it captains...

"So you think of anything you havent seen yet?"

"Oh yeah the bottom of the boat, ya know with all the parts and pieces keeping the boat from sinking."

"Oooh~ we should check it out!"

The door that has light peaking through in front of us is a supply room that has a secret door to the "basement" of the boat.

"So how do we get there? It looks like this door could have something interesting inside it. You were trying to open it anyways right?"


That memory of Devi really got to me. Its all just a silly story but still what if the shadow i saw was one of them.

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