Chapter 1

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Stede's POV

I was around the market, picking up a new book to read after having finished all the others I had collected. I became bored with the lot of it, trying to find something more interesting or thrilling. Something I was sorely lacking in my life. I wasn't one for the mundane, but... My wife is just fine with our quaint and quiet life. A son and a daughter, a wife, but my life needed something more. I wandered in the market, trying to find a way to pass the time or rather just a piece of thrill. I'd settle for the pursuit of an occupying activity.

I looked around myself as I wandered, shaking my head a tad, walking by happy couples or kids that trotted alongside their assumed parents. I sighed, walking into a bar, which wasn't very often. Even then, there were those who knew me. I was known for being the pansy of the group, outcasted since I was little, and was always known to want to go see the world. No one knew, but I was ready to snap and take on what I always told myself was so drastic. But I couldn't stay in this world anymore with my monotonous and mundane life.

I was already having a boat seen through to being built, the massive piece of work was also meant for my children, but that was shot down on the anniversary. Today. I cried myself to sleep most nights and I figured tonight wouldn't be any different, wanting so much to not have the headache in the morning. I had to hurry home eventually, to my dismay, bringing home a book that I passed by. Walking to the door, taking a deep breath before opening the door.

Mary was cooking, the children were messing around in the lounge area with the toys I had picked up from some local store on my breaks away from being in the house. My children looked over at me, smiling and running up to hug me, holding on tight. "Dad! How was the market? Was there anything fun there today? How was work? Did you find anything?" The two of them asked, looking so excited until Mary ushered them to the lounge area again with a swift beckoning. "Your father has had a long day, why don't you two set the table?" Mary asked, to which the two once excited kids slowly slipped into the kitchen a room away.

"So... How's the day been?" I asked awkwardly, sitting upon the edge of a nearby stool that was left out from what I assume to be from Mary painting. She always had a slow passion for painting. She had the patience and the skills, I just never realized it. "Fine. The children have been well behaved and I've been working on a painting," She answered, smoothening out her dress and looking toward me. "Well, I should go help the children set the table," I whispered, having a hard time making eye contact because it just hurts to be with someone who was forced to be with you. I wanted to marry someone for love, but here I am, married and with a job that took up most of my time.

It felt like I was walking in a lie.

Going into the dining hall, I found the children already sat at the table nearing Mary's side more. I found it to be justified, seeing as I never was around much and all I did was play pirates with them. I sat in my regular seat as Mary brought out the food, sitting down as we served ourselves. It was silent, definitely not something that was rare, but there was something in the air that made a feeling of unease creep up into my spine. With that, I looked out the darkening window to only catch a glimpse of a shadow moving across the thin glass, though my heart dropped for a quick second, I realize that it couldn't be a person. There were many bushes and trees alongside the house, nothing to be worried about.

"Can I be excused, mommy?" I heard my daughter mutter, seeing Mary nod and my son soon followed. "Stede," She started, my eyes shooting up from my mostly full plate. I didn't feel very hungry, or rather it was just this gut wrenching uncertainty lingering. "Yes?" I asked quietly, though fearful of what was to come next. "I know you're not keen on us being married, but we only have one life and it's going to be us together," Mary bluntly stated, though we've had this talk before, just with more choice words I'd dare not want our children to hear.

"Mary, I know, I just... Haven't really wrapped my head with being married and- this is just my life now. I want some thrill," I confessed, shaking my head and standing up from the table, pushing in my chair. "I'll be in my work area," I whispered, leaving the room and going outside to the shed. It became my working area, the one way I could escape for a little bit. I was tired of having the same arguement, especially now since escape was so close. Mostly, I used this shed so no one heard me crying if I knew I couldn't handle trying to hold it in.

Sighing and going for the key to the shed, I felt a razor sharp knife to my throat and my breath caught in the middle of my windpipe. "Don't scream," I heard someone whisper, though I debated whether I should scream or try to run. "W-what do you want?" I stuttered out, fearful of moving in case the blade would cut my skin. "Hey, Iz- you have to keep him alive, that's what the boss said," A voice rang out, though I wished desperately to find a way to escape.


"Knock him out then?" Someone asked, probably the one that was holding the knife to my throat since the voice was so close. "W-what is going on?" I beckoned an answer, fear rising as he mentioned that I was needed alive. "Just- blindfold him," The other voice spat, a sigh from behind me was emitted before I couldn't see anything. Not that I could see anything in the first place in the night's black. I was picked up off the ground and hauled over someone's shoulder.

"P-put me down! Where- why are you- where are we going?!" I asked in a panic, wiggling in the grip of my capture, groaning as one of my legs hit something. "Motherfucker! Quit squirming, you dick!" I heard the raspy voice that once had a knife to my throat yell. "Don't be in my range then, or just answer my damn question," I snapped, wiggling and kicking my feet to see if I could hit whoever it was once again.

"You hit me again and I'll cut off your foot, you twat," I heard the man threaten, sighing and simply wiggling to get out of whoever's grip. I smelled the sweet scent of the ocean, hearing the waves and feeling an incline. The creaking of wood under boots, two pairs of steps and yet that's all I knew. "Okay, boss, you requested we bring Stede Bonnet. Here he is," The man boasted, to which I heard heavier footsteps approach me. I was then placed on the ground, standing up finally, but I still couldn't see.

"Stede Bonnet. I've heard a lot about you," A voice not too far away spoke, though I was still unsure of who was speaking or where I was. Near the ocean, I knew that, but that still doesn't give me much. "Take him to the brig," I heard the rough voice command, to which I shook my head. "Hey, I'm not just someone you can throw around!" I yelled, not sure if I was even facing this person or not. A sigh could be heard, a little bit of shuffling, and then silence.

"We leave tonight. Izzy, hoist the anchor. Fang, gag him and take him to the brig," This mysterious man commanded sternly, a cloth coming into my mouth with pressure, my hands came to my back as I was forced to walk. It seemed like forever before I heard metal screeching, being thrown to the hard wood floor before the metal was heard again, a loud slam and then a lock. I sat up, getting the blindfold off and finally seeing that I was in a dark hole that was called the brig. That means that I must have been boarded onto a ship.

I got up on the plank that was a makeshift sort of bed with a thin mattress, laying down and removing the gag that was tied with terrible practice. I sighed and lied there, awake and fearing what was to happen to me next. It was bad enough that I left while Mary and I were arguing, but what would she think? Would she think I was dead? Would she know that I was kidnapped? Would she mourn my death? What about the children? They don't know anything about death or why their father disappeared. The bigger question is; how long would I be gone? Better yet, who was it that kidnapped me and what did they need from someone like me?

I'm starting to think that shadow wasn't a branch.

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